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  1. L

    First Time Grow Pure Afghan

    little worried about transplant till i opened them up today, they're lookin pretty greeen, just got the vibe they were ready from adjusting and they're gona start taking off soon, hopefully I fed them 1/2tsp FF grow with good amount of runoff ph'd the run off at it was 7-7.1 kinda worried but i...
  2. L

    First Grow 2 and 3 days old just transplanted possible sex showing??

    you think i should let it dry a bit, i read some post they feed it pretty good at watering then dried a bit before watering again? i think i'm somewhat worried about overwatering about the small fly which i only saw a glimpse so it could have just flow in there all my windows open, one bedroom...
  3. L

    First Grow 2 and 3 days old just transplanted possible sex showing??

    I did a half strength (1/2tsp) FF grow into the coco before transplant
  4. L

    First Grow 2 and 3 days old just transplanted possible sex showing??

    Colorado water, its supposed to be pretty decent if that helps
  5. L

    First Grow 2 and 3 days old just transplanted possible sex showing??

    I've been doing ph at as close to 5.8 as i can get, its like a 40 dollar tester from amazon so i don't think its a real piece prob not the best but i think its decent enough to be accurate Ive been using Brita filtered tap water set out a day before
  6. L

    First Time Grow Pure Afghan

    Opened them up after 2 days transplanted and they have slowed or stopped growing, basically since transplant and now i was seeing some weird shit on the stem, granted im pretty stoned so i could just be paranoid, all but one maybe two had reddish stem 2 were green, and my one plant that was...
  7. L

    First Time Grow Pure Afghan

    Roots were poking out the bottom but i was nervous cause they were just getting healthy, but decided to transplant anyways, next time ill probably only do one transplant to final pot it was 2 gallon smart pots (5 gallons for final) Most were good switches but one coco crumbled on me and had to...
  8. L

    First Time Grow Pure Afghan

    Flushed them and started getting way better and growing fast
  9. L

    First Time Grow Pure Afghan

    So i gave them nutrients, read too much bad advice and i'm guessing i burned them not terribly but shit
  10. L

    First Time Grow Pure Afghan

    So i started this 2 weeks and 3 days ago and wanted to start throwing everything down for some feedback I've got 2 4bulb T5 lights 6500k 6in duct booster for exhaust Coco and perlite (about 60/40)
  11. L

    Hello new guys/gal's. ;)

    I'm a first time grower with a few questions, just transplanted and have been noticing a few things definitely slow grow but i figured they're adjusting, did notice a possible sex? Could anyone message me and i can give the description in detail? *Also its the first new thread on this newbie...
  12. L

    First Grow 2 and 3 days old just transplanted possible sex showing??

    Good evening, so after researching forever i just started my first grow, Its pure afghan I've had a little issue before giving nutrients as babies but healed them up and started looking nice and green But i started seeing roots poking out of the small container, so i transplanted to two gallon...