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  1. GreenDaaze

    Is it possible to do this?

    marijuana is a weed, it will grow. but id use distilled water if i was u, just to be safe.
  2. GreenDaaze

    help with hyrdo nutes

    moved to the hydro / aero section of the site
  3. GreenDaaze

    cat pissed in my clay pellets need substitute

    k i found a medium that will work, dad helped me out. also i have a dog alrdy and also im glad u felt it necessary to tell me about ur religious beliefs and yes i still have my cat(s). i have 2 female cats and 2 kittens
  4. GreenDaaze

    cat pissed in my clay pellets need substitute

    hello just wanted to post a quick question, my current situation is this, i have everything in my house to grow hydro but my cat pissed in my clay pellets so when i was baked i put them in my neighbor's pickup, and intern he got mad and threw them away. that aside i need a substitute for clay...
  5. GreenDaaze

    hydro nutes, soil medium

    u can use them but sometimes soil nutes lack some of the micro nutes because the manufacturer thinks ur growing in soil and most soil alrdy has the nutes
  6. GreenDaaze

    hydro nutes, soil medium

    kk thnx good to know
  7. GreenDaaze

    hydro nutes, soil medium

    nobody knows if this is okay or not?
  8. GreenDaaze

    question about my sprouts

    yeah that was my 1st thought too, i only had 2 seedlings at the time, i have 5 now but one of the ones that was in when the fan broke, it is still all green and stuff but it hasnt grown where as the other one has grown alot and doesnt look effected by the heat. but it looks to be doing alright...
  9. GreenDaaze

    hydro nutes, soil medium

    anyone got any answers lol?
  10. GreenDaaze

    hydro nutes, soil medium

    what i want to know is, can this work without effecting my plants health and yield
  11. GreenDaaze

    how much fan power?

    a little swaying is fine, makes the stem strong
  12. GreenDaaze

    hydro nutes, soil medium

    hello quick question here, i have some nutes for hydro/aeroponic applications. i was just wondering, is it possible to use my hydro nutes in my soil medium?:confused:
  13. GreenDaaze

    liquid karma?

    kk thnx man +rep
  14. GreenDaaze

    question about my sprouts

    just tap water, checked the ppm and ph and they are pretty reasonable, within range for sure. but ill let my water sit out over night this time, my fan broke the other day so they got rlly hot and rlly dry so i had to improvise
  15. GreenDaaze

    liquid karma?

    cool cool, i have just little seedlings atm what dose should i use the 5ml a gallon that it recommend for germ or the 10-15ml a gallon for veg?
  16. GreenDaaze

    question about my sprouts

    lol k as long as it miner, ty for ur reply :mrgreen:
  17. GreenDaaze

    liquid karma?

    sweet man thnks, +rep, but jw would u recommend using this? and also is this used along with my normal plant food or no?
  18. GreenDaaze


    when transplanting seeds ur medium should me moist, not soaked not bone dry just moist. as for MG, iv herd bad things and good things. iv herd the moisture control is good but stay away from time released fertilizers in ur medium. time released fertilizers will make it hard for u to tell when ur...
  19. GreenDaaze

    liquid karma?

    hello, i am a relatively new grower going on my 2nd grow, my dad gave me a bunch of stuff he uses and he gets some pretty nice plants, everything he gave me i know what it is and how it works but i dont have a very clear clue about this liquid karma stuff. i know its a catalyst and all but could...
  20. GreenDaaze

    question about my sprouts

    hello i have 5 sprouts atm, (would have pics but camera is lost). i have a question about my 5. they seem to be growing rapidly but one of the plants leaf is like growing in an O shape and it looks like theres white residue on the leaves on like 2 of them, can anyone explain this?