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  1. N

    Is my pot big enough?

    Americans are weird when it comes to measures , just googled its about 12 inches big and 10 inches wide.
  2. N

    Is my pot big enough?

    How big my pot should be then? Can anyone tell me in inches , or cm , anything except that gallon requirement like how the hell u measure pots into gallons EDIT , googled its about 12 inches in height and 10 inches wide. Since it says 5 gallons i assume it will take 5 kg of my mixture
  3. N

    Is my pot big enough?

    How big my pot should be then? Can anyone tell me in inches , or cm , anything except that gallon requirement like how the hell u keasure pots into gallons
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    Cannabis growing very slow + some questions

    Edit: i got someone who can send me some good soil since people believe its the problem
  5. N

    Is my pot big enough?

    Is my pot big enough ? Height 7 inches , width grows wide as 10 inches
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    Cannabis growing very slow + some questions

    Shit is hot here so I guess thats why they do? Idk Btw since you are online rn do you have any experience with soils? Shall i mix cocopeat in it?
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    Cannabis growing very slow + some questions

    It says coco peat ( coconut coi) peat moss is dif and i can get it too so shall i mix them? What % shall i mix them I think good combination would be Coco + peat + soil With cow manure? what do u think?
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    Cannabis growing very slow + some questions

    Cant say, however i believe i am the one of very few weed growers with in 500 miles
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    Cannabis growing very slow + some questions

    Its like ocean soil mixed with cow manure. Cant get anything except that and cocopeat
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    Cannabis growing very slow + some questions

    Wdym by that?
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    Cannabis growing very slow + some questions

    Are the pot large enough? I thought they were small
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    Cannabis growing very slow + some questions

    I cant get the kind of soil you guys have its the only soil (cow manure is mixed in it) available got it from local nursery (images attached) the white thing in soil is insect killer. I can get coco peat tho but since i am in dry area it will dry fast i think. Its 20 days old plant (after...
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    2nd LST at 30 days. Great results pics

    All these in just 30 days? Mine looks like dwarf
  14. N

    Can i use coopex powder (insect killer) on soil?

    So my plant got infect with seeds and I wasn’t able to get pesticides because of lockdown i heard about coopex powder can i apply that on soil?
  15. N

    How to get rid of ants from my soil? Its killing my seedling

    Btw how big are your plant by week 1 thi mine looks small I believe coz of soil but thats the only soil i can get just want to know how small it is compared to others
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    How to get rid of ants from my soil? Its killing my seedling

    Also i just lifted my pots there were ssmall insects doesn’t looks like ants unless they were baby ants but i see insects
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    How to get rid of ants from my soil? Its killing my seedling

    Pic attached, even if they are not ants they are some other insects and i need to get rid of them with some home solutions. On the internet there are alot of methods but every method someone suggest other says it will also kill your plant Some methods i have seen is Putting cayenne powder...
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    How to get rid of ants from my soil? Its killing my seedling

    It is growing out door , i have seen ants near the pot but not on pot , i have once seen very little insect (not ant ) in pot tho
  19. N

    How to get rid of ants from my soil? Its killing my seedling

    So my seedling is a week old and i just saw two leaves git eaten today and if this continue i might bot see my seedling by tomorrow . The world is on lock down so i cant buy pesticides. No ant is visible to me i believe they are inside soil and come out later in the day. Can someone tell me...
  20. N

    None of my regular seed germinated but my auto did why?

    Nice I thought autos were like piece of cake and thats why they germinated for me and the others didn’t and I couldn’t say anything to my seller since the seeds are sinking so have to live with it and wont buy from him again .