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  1. M

    ventilation in the winter

    how do you bring in fresh air in the winter without making your plants too cold?
  2. M

    any idea how much this would yield?

    This is my first grow so keep that in mind but I do have 24 plants right now.. even if half are females 1 ounce per plant would kick ass.. I really just need to get this grow done with but I don't want to initiate flowering too soon and fuck up my plants.
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    any idea how much this would yield?

    They are all from seed.. about a month old. Some have said they need to veg at least 5 weeks to properly flower.. some have said at least 60 days..
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    any idea how much this would yield?

    If I decided to start flowering now? Should I just wait? the tallest plants are only at about 8 inches but I could really use the bud asap..
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    lighting question

    If you're worries about the cost just go with flouros
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    concerned plants might turn hermy

    Thanks :) and I'm on 24/0 right now when it comes time to flower them should I gradually go to 12/12? I really don't want to chock the plant anymore than I have...
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    concerned plants might turn hermy

    When I first planted my seeds I made the mistake of giving them nutes every time I watered them.. and the lights were too close as well and they showd signs of being over fed and it being too hot.. the plants seem to be doing fine now but would the stress so early cause them to turn male or...
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    I just don't want to shock my plants anymore than I already have but I've heard certain micro nutrients won't get absorbed by the plant until it reaches certain ph's.
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    I heard that the plant accepts nutes at different ph's would it harm my plant to switch from my current 6.5 to around 6.0?
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    I'm on 18/6 right now would it stress my plants to switch to a 24/7? and here are the nutes I'm using right now shouldn't it be higher in nitrogen or less high in k20 or whatever?
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    how do my plants look?

    no more advice?
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    how do my plants look?

  14. M

    how do my plants look?

    I bet it's overfeeding.. should my plants really be growing 2 inches a day? If that's true my plants are stunted I get 2 inches a week maybe.. yes I've been feeding nutes I bet too many I should start flushing maybe
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    how do my plants look?

    Ok a few plants are exhibiting what I'd consider a nitrogen deficiency what do you think?
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    running out of soil can I use straight peat moss?

    Can I just mix perlite vermiculite and peat moss and grow in that or is it necessary to add soil?
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    how do my plants look?

    Should I clip the dead ends off?
  18. M

    how do my plants look?

    The tips on a few of them look dead.. the older leaves on a few are turning a bit yellow and droopy.. Do these look ready to transplant? ps dont order from nirvana I have to use my own seeds because those NEVER came.. I'm not the only one that's had problems with them