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  1. T

    Ready or not to move into flower

    Hi all - Have this plant at 7 weeks into veg stage. It is about 10" (25cm) high growing under a Blackstar 135W LED. Height and space are an issue for me and I think that if plants grow twice their height during flowering stage, I think I need to move this to flower ASAP. Is 7 weeks to early...
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    Seeds on a plane?

    I work with body scanners every day. Put the seeds in the back pocket of your jeans and forget they are there. Trust me, 10 seeds will not show up on a scan. Don't stress.
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    Using a fan during 12/12

    All - I have a grow about to start the flower cycle. Do I leave my fan running during the dark phases of the 12/12 light schedule? Given the restrictions of my grow space I would prefer not to, but I am hoping for some advice. Plant to this stage is very healthy with no problems thus far...
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    Trimming roots

    Thanks all.
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    Trimming roots

    Hi all, I have a plant that is 4 weeks old growing under 135W of LED in a 5 gallon pot. The plant is healthy and strong. Looking at the pot I have discovered that the roots are starting to grow through the holes at the bottom of the pot. Is this a good or bad thing, and should I trim...
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    Seedling health check at 6 weeks

    Great thoughts and responses all. I will keep you in the loop.
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    Seedling health check at 6 weeks

    Thanks MT. Yes, I was thinking they were a little small for six weeks myself. I was thinking maybe it was because the room is slightly cool at night time? Thanks for your response. TKM.
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    Seedling health check at 6 weeks

    Hi all, The attached photos are of my first grow. Seedlings are now 6 weeks since being planted from seeds of unknown origin. The medium is a mix of perlite/potting mix/compost. Lighting is 300w Blackstar LED on 24/24 about 8 inches from seedlings. Fan is on 12/12 for circulation. There...
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    First Time Small Grow Room Journal - Weeks 1 and 2

    Things going OK. Lights are on a 20/4 cycle and the germinated seeds have been transferred into seedling pots. I used expensive seedling soil as I thought that was my area of greatest risk. If I had to got expensive on something, that was it. Added some perlite to improve drainage. Note...
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    First Time Small Grow Room Journal - Germination Phase

    Despite buying some seeds from Bonza, I didn't want to waste those seeds on my first grow. You know, just in case I fuck it up. Got about 20 seeds from a friend who got them from the pot he was smoking. So the origins of these seeds I was about to plant was very much unknown. Germination I...
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    First Time Small Grow Room Journal - Preparation Phase

    Long time lurker here, so I thought it about time I contribute something. This is MY story of MY grow. I will make many mistakes, ignore most advice:-), but I will have fun. I have a few domestic restrictions which makes my grow project a little difficult. One is that I have an outdoors grow...