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  1. Blowdatsmoke

    Bagseed Sour Diesel

    I decided to sprout another seed since the first one seemed to be growing slowly. The second seed seemed to catch up quick and has fatter leaves. The seeds were from the same bud, is this just a different phenotype?
  2. Blowdatsmoke

    Bagseed Sour Diesel

    Right on Gmz! Are your seeds from a plant you grew? I read this strain was created by a hermie cross so the chance of getting hermies caused by stress is higher. Good luck with your plants!
  3. Blowdatsmoke

    Bagseed Sour Diesel

    It's Miracle-Gro organic choice potting mix from a left over bag.
  4. Blowdatsmoke

    Bagseed Sour Diesel

    What’s up RIU?! I just started a seed from an ounce of some Sour Diesel one of my buddy’s grew. I ended up finding 4 seeds total in the zip. It’s been a long time since I found seed in any bud around here so I’m pretty geeked to grow this out! My buddy only grows Sour Diesel and Jack Herer, I...
  5. Blowdatsmoke

    automatic seeds

    yeah, it means they will flower under 24hr of light
  6. Blowdatsmoke

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    Just got 40 in tonight! cant wait for this years harvest. 40 more are planned to go in aswell
  7. Blowdatsmoke

    Reservoir water getting oily.

    Bacteria in reservoirs produce a slime/oil that can deprive your roots of oxygen. It could be from dead plant material such as roots or leaves in the reservoir as well.
  8. Blowdatsmoke

    What Do You Think?

    the only difference is that i have a cube of rockwool, im using it to hold a tomato seed in place
  9. Blowdatsmoke

    What Do You Think?

    here is a link to youtube, haha i basicly coppied what this guy did. it seems like a pretty easy system! goodluck
  10. Blowdatsmoke

    What Do You Think?

    hi, im just posting some pics of what im going to be growing some lettuce and a tomato plant in for fun. i have a floating hydroponics system for the lettuce and i have a single hydroponics system for the tomato. haha im just bored and high as hell
  11. Blowdatsmoke

    bagseed grow pics?

  12. Blowdatsmoke

    botany teacher lying?

    thanks, now i know i shouldnt worry about that. but as for getting with the program, i am 18 now and i am going to get my med card soon...but....that leads to my other questions. ive searched and found a lot of helpful information, but 2 quick questions. i know the upfront cost for the card, but...
  13. Blowdatsmoke

    botany teacher lying?

    Hi, I’ve grown outside before but i really want to try growing inside. the only thing that scares me is that my botany teacher told me that if you have an HPS or MH light the electric companies will be able to tell from a certain frequency or something and they report them to the police then...
  14. Blowdatsmoke

    bagseed grow pics?

    the title says it all, i am just curious to see if anyone has ever taken some schwag bagseed and grown it out. i would like to see pics aswell thanks!
  15. Blowdatsmoke

    Home made convection whip vaporizer

    That looks nice, but im still a fan of the good old light bulb vape! its easy to make from house hold things and you get ripped! i used to only vape cause it saves weed, but that was before i started growing lol
  16. Blowdatsmoke

    topping question

    That makes sense, thanks a lot. I think I will try that now, but I’m cheap and I only have this rooting powder from Wal-Mart haha
  17. Blowdatsmoke

    topping question

    I was just wondering if anyone has tried this before, and if so can you tell me how it turned out. Can you grow a plant to like 10 inches then top it but take off like 3 or 4 inches from the top of the plant, then dip it in a rooting hormone and basically clone the plant from topping it instead...
  18. Blowdatsmoke

    can you color the bud?

    like i said earlier, i was just curious.
  19. Blowdatsmoke

    can you color the bud?

    hi, i was just wondering because i remember as i kid if you pick a flower and put it in a vase with water and a few drops of food coloring after a while the flower will start to turn that color. i was just curious if you water your pot plant with colored water, will the leaves/bud begin to turn...
  20. Blowdatsmoke

    Best Food When High

    I'm not going to lie.. Good old movie theater popcorn is my favorite