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  1. H

    how to wire up a pc fan???

    Ok. The charger is likely to be enough juice to get it moving its. from memory, running at about 12v on a pc motherboard (but i may be wrong there). You are likely to find that the colorings as described in the last post are the same as its universal coding so you will notice the fan you buy...
  2. H

    how to wire up a pc fan??? I think this is what you are looking for. Should pretty much be the same for uk style like it says if its not wired right it wont work so change the wires round.
  3. H

    1 month grow. Take a look.

    If you have cut the bottom off pop it in the soil and they will grow out naturally... They look for space and grow till they find it
  4. H

    is there somthing wronge ?

    I wouldnt worry too much at this stage dude it can take up to 2 weeks for you to see it lift out the soil... like you said you set it in the soil quite deep. Plus if you overwatered the soil it sounds like you have accidently tipped a bottle of water over the soil... if so the pressure may have...
  5. H


    Stick your finger in about 2 inches and if its dry then water. Try not to stick to a schedule only water when needed. If you over water the leaves will droop down if this happens dont water again until it looks healthier
  6. H


    Stick your finger in about 2 inches if its dry then water a little... Try not to drown it... Try not to schedule only water when needed
  7. H

    Male Pollen life span

    6 months if you keep it in something like a film canister... If you freeze it it has been known to keep for 18months though
  8. H

    Fan Circulation

    In my setup I have everything on a timer so it all goes off and on with the lights really. Iv just turned mine off all the time at the moment as a few new leaves are twisting when they sprout to check its not a Mg deficiency. But really it would be the persons choice I guess. I just think it...
  9. H

    1 month grow. Take a look.

    I know u have been given a remedy with duct tape but you could slice the bottom of the cup off or even half the bottom away and plant it in soil. The roots would find their way into the fresh soil in the larger pot it would mean u could buy any big assed pot you like.
  10. H

    What am I doing Wrong???PICS included

    I think most will agree with me. The more light you can get in there the better. So long as it doesn't compromise your heat like you say. If it does look at ways to cool the area its all about the balance you try to create. At least you didnt just throw them in and think it will be ok.
  11. H

    Legalize it i'll pay the taxes

    Dude that was genius!!!
  12. H

    root damage

    Im not too sure about the baking soda and vinegar... Im still a newbie myself really iv just read up so much that im confident enough in my tips otherwise i wouldnt try to answer em lol. But obv anyone can correct me if im wrong this is afterall a learning experience. As far as I know it can...
  13. H

    root damage

    If you take a few clones then what u can do is flower one of them individualy. The clone carries the same age as the motherplant you have taken it from. Start to flower a wee clone and you can find out the sex of it through that. :bigjoint:
  14. H

    Legalize it i'll pay the taxes

    Well look at tobacco that has an additive to make it addictive. Addiction to Tobacco is not from the actual plant itself but whatever the chemical is. The government are happy with this because of the revenue they create from it eventually they will buckle and produce weed but it will no...
  15. H

    WHen to harvest this baby (pics inside)

    Fact: a small piece of bud over a lightbulb will not fuck it all up. I suggested he try it out. When buying I have done this as a quick test to check quality. It takes about 10 to 15 minutes because the heat generated is very very low. Once your weed is dried and cured properly you are likely...
  16. H

    WHen to harvest this baby (pics inside)

    If you are saying that most of the pistils are a red colour (say about 70% roughly) i would say now would be a good time to do it. Its obv really your call and ob there is alot of mixed opinions but definately dont flower more than the 8 week mark. If you wanted to try it out and see for...
  17. H

    I might be in denial, please tell me it's not a male!

    If you have females int he grow room get it out... If not id probably try to at least make some hash or oil from it just for the sake of it
  18. H

    Legalize it i'll pay the taxes

    I agree with you Diddy it should be legalized however if it were legalised think of the effect it would have on the government they would have to radically change the judicial system, release prisoners and have to pay out hefty amounts on damages. To date as far as im aware there has been no...
  19. H

    Does this look female to you?

    I would have to concur it does look male at this point but id hold out you just never know
  20. H

    What am I doing Wrong???PICS included

    I noticed you stated the temp is 75 at night and 86 during lights on. You should aim to have your temperature at about 75 the whole time... Going above the temp of 85F can heat stress your plant and result in sex dysfunction.