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  1. F

    Lets See Your Outside Plants

    I'm just over 6ft btw.
  2. F

    Lets See Your Outside Plants

    South Eastern VA here. New to the forum. Hello everyone! Good luck this season!
  3. F

    Outdoors in SE Virginia

    Looking awesome man! Never tried autos. I'm also growing outdoors in se va. New to the forum. Looking forward to following your grow. Good luck with the harvest!
  4. F

    Quick pics. New here. Novice-ish VA outdoor grower...

    The first pic is from the security camera so it's terrible quality. Just to show the size. Im just over 6ft. The plants are raised about a foot in the cedar grow boxes. The wooden frames are 8ft tall from the soil line.
  5. F

    Quick pics. New here. Novice-ish VA outdoor grower...

    Introducing myself here. I'm Finn, im an outdoor grower in South Eastern VA. A couple of mediocre harvests under my belt. Sub par quality, "but this is the year", again... Anyways, here's some pics of the grow. I'll be starting a grow journal of this grow, feel free to stop by with questions...