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  1. illinigreen

    Phospherus deficiency

    Plants were germinated Sept 15 and planted on the 20th. I started the flowering cycle 5 days ago. They should be alot bigger but I wanted to stunt there growth a little so I did so by using smaller pots to plant them in. I regret doing so, I wish I would have just used bigger pots and pruned...
  2. illinigreen

    Phospherus deficiency

    Thought I would add a few more pics that may help. The red tint is hard to see in one of the previous pics.
  3. illinigreen

    Phospherus deficiency

    Hello all, update on my plants. I believe after reviewing some other posts and coming across a nice chart provided by mogie and dankciti that I have a phospherus deficeincy. Was hoping some other could give a second opinion. Please feel free to express other concerns as well since this is my...
  4. illinigreen

    First grow/transfer

    Hello! Im a noob when it comes to farming, first grow/for fun and now I actually enjoy growing. I started two and a half months ago and planted some good bag seed. I planted them in potting soil, and fed them miracle grow after sprouting, watering only when needed as per the dirt...