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  1. Lysergicpt

    Am I Right To Start Flushing Now?

    1st- i don't know what medicinal cannabis have a thing to do with my argument about the propose of cannabis , for sure that you dont want to tell me that the propouse of mother nature for cannabis is to be smoke right ? cause if you are i dont really know what to tell you. it's one thing that...
  2. Lysergicpt

    How am i doing? First auto grow

    by the way that nugs looks yummy. nice job
  3. Lysergicpt

    How am i doing? First auto grow

    ah about that i have no doubt i've already smoke some serious autos and some shitty photos , thats true. for shure. But for example a properly done Northern Lights , would beat any Auto Northern Lights in thc content and yeild. You could run that LED in 12/12 and spend even less ;).
  4. Lysergicpt

    Am I Right To Start Flushing Now?

    and also , i didn't said i am smarter than anyone , and please dont use the "us" term in a 2 person discussion you look like my son , that is 6 years hold. that the first sign of desperation using the "us" in a 2 person discussion, but i get it you trying to get people on your side . Anyway i'm...
  5. Lysergicpt

    Am I Right To Start Flushing Now?

    Man didn't you think i would take the time to create a account to argue ? and what account is that ? contac't the admin please , and ask him if that account that you are talking about is mine ? Why are you making stuff up ? your are just beeing ridiculous , grow up and get a life .. lol a...
  6. Lysergicpt

    How am i doing? First auto grow

    i didn't said time i said money ;) its never a waste of time , but money is , autos need 18 or more lighting to give you good yeild , you can have more yeild than that with plants on 12/12 , and also autos rarely can keep be up to the quality of their regular cousins , that why i say its a waste...
  7. Lysergicpt

    problem or normal? Og kush.

    as long as your new growth is coming fine and at a good rythm your fine dont worry too much , why dont you fill the rest of your pot ? it will help with that week stem . I allways leave room in the pot for new dirt , as the seedling start i fill it up and have no need to secure it like that .
  8. Lysergicpt

    Am I Right To Start Flushing Now?

    multi accounts ? what the hell are you talking about ? i already told i will have no further argument about this flush thing , you do your thing i do mine. and for years flushing has been done and its still beeing done by almost every comercial hydroponic grower in holland for example , check...
  9. Lysergicpt

    How am i doing? First auto grow

    there are some bag's and stuff , but it really dont worth , dehumifier its your best option actually , also humidity at 52 is perfectly fine it should be lower but as long as you have proper ventilation and there's no stealth air arround the buds dont worry about mold. And about triming , do...
  10. Lysergicpt

    Need some help (first time grower)

    i look at on of your photos , it that CFL bulb on normaly(its off now but normaly? ) ? the on in the picture ? Its way to close to the clones it will affect some leafs , and they have no way to hydrate with so low humidity, clones doesn't need too much light to root.
  11. Lysergicpt

    Need some help (first time grower)

    thats why they are droppy , ur humidity is too low , they still dont have a root system so they need high humidity in order to "drink" , spray them several times a day . do not let your soil dry too much at this stage , with 28 humidity your soil must be drying fast. keep it moist but not damp ...
  12. Lysergicpt

    Need some help (first time grower)

    are u spraying them with water ? how is your humidity ? you should have very high humidity in this period of the cloning process
  13. Lysergicpt

    Am I Right To Start Flushing Now?

    No it doesn't and , its totally spot on , its your analogy that is stupid , a cannabis plant wasn't "born" in nature to be smoke, so in order for you to have a pleasant smoke you need to flush it if you are using too much salt based nutes , but anyway this is like explaining math to a donkey ...
  14. Lysergicpt

    Strange leaf deformations

    also i see that your plants have some drops of water on them , that is not recomendable if you have them on fluor bulbs there is no big deal , but under HPS thats forbidden . it will burn your leaves spay them on lights off If its just a few leaves and your growth is going ok , dont worry...
  15. Lysergicpt

    Strange leaf deformations

    picture isn't really good , but how's your temperatures ? at plant level ?
  16. Lysergicpt

    weird white spots

    can you find them ? little brown things in the back of your leaves ? they are probably jut a few bye now , smash them with your fingers , some insecticides can take good care of them , an oscilating fan with some good air flow , will discourge many pest's to stick to your leaves cause it makes...
  17. Lysergicpt

    Finishing flowering with < 12 hrs dark

    yes you can give them 11/13 or even 10/14. Either way . if you give them more dark , they will flower faster and finish earlier , but you will lose yeild , not the other way arround. Unless you are in a hurry for them to finish stick with the 12/12
  18. Lysergicpt

    earth worms in soil?

    it's a good ideia , but i dont think it will work that way , you can't force worms to be in your soil , its jut like compost , if you dont give them the proper conditions they will try to leave, its not by blocking its way out that they will stay , they will probably die trying to get out.
  19. Lysergicpt

    Leaves dying

    are you leafs getting yellow ? did you start you flowering nutes after the day you switch ? Whats your soil ? is it a light soil ? Depending on the strain , your plants will require large amounts of Nitrogen the first 2 weeks after the switch , because they will create alot of "green" material...
  20. Lysergicpt

    weird white spots

    yes maybe thrips, looks like it