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  1. SAstarter

    Critical Jack after a few days in the jar

    just orderd dinafem critical jack auto's, can you give me some advice for growing? how long from germ till harvest? what was your yield? how big did it get? i only have a small space in my 'grow room'. and anyother info, thanks man!
  2. SAstarter

    update onmt first post dying seedlings....

    thanks fir the tips!! and thanks evreyone else for the kind words abd advice!!! but im pretty sure that with CFLs 10-12'' is way to far away. and read that as long as theyre not less then an inch they wont fry... theyre not hot/powerfull enough. and too far away are rendered useless... but i...
  3. SAstarter

    update onmt first post dying seedlings....

    whats a mouistre meter? what am i metering?
  4. SAstarter

    update onmt first post dying seedlings....

    3x23watt...i wrote it in the first post.
  5. SAstarter

    update onmt first post dying seedlings....

    its about 1.5 inchs from the plant.... so theyre dead huh....fuck...
  6. SAstarter

    update onmt first post dying seedlings....

    so i posted here a week ago ( about a seedling that was dying, turned out i gave her to much (or any) nutes, and didn't have good circulation. i flushed them, repotted and 'upgraded' my grow closet, but still no...
  7. SAstarter

    first post, need help!!!

    thanks ill try the prop idea, hope itll help. i will never spray there leaves again, as that makes sense and i read that in a bunch of other places!! i just feel so helpless...(violin)
  8. SAstarter

    first post, need help!!!

    so i replanted into a seed raising coir (fertilized peat..) with pearlite gave them a nice watering till it ran off. and raised the lights a tad. im gonna get a fan in there asap, and already have a plan for ventilation... i was wondering what else i can do, should i water it again once its dry...
  9. SAstarter

    first post, need help!!!

    Thanks a lot for your help! So i think what ill do is follow your advice, ill replant in some peat and pearlight, making sure the stem is deep. wait a little till the roots are stronger, assuming the whole thing doesn't die...and then repot into coco. is it ok to go from peat to coco? im...
  10. SAstarter

    first post, need help!!!

    Hey thanks, so should i replant straight away, or wait for the coco to come (should be a day or two) if i plant in soil or peat now is it ok to replant in coco a few days later?? i'm conflicted..waiting for the coco may be to late but i bought it and want to use it and replanting twice in...
  11. SAstarter

    first post, need help!!!

    Sorry i meant ya go: from last night (the plant in the back left is basil, pay no attention....its for my girlfriend) and this is this morning... heres the smaller one
  12. SAstarter

    first post, need help!!!

    hey sucks that my first post is a cry for help...but thats life. so i have 2 seedlings and one germinted seed that hasnt sprouted yet. (it took it much longer to germinte so i only 'potted' it a few days ago) they are in a vermeculite pearlite mix (about 50/50) and the seed is in peat with a...