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  1. WhatWouldBobDo?

    Guerilla growing - Suitable plot? (pictures included)

    Nice truck, I thought the reflection of the tree was actually a sticker on your back windshield. Haha. Do you plant straight in the ground, or do you stick with containers the whole way? How do you prep the soil, other than what you said in the last post?
  2. WhatWouldBobDo?

    Growing in VA

    My bad man, I didn't mean it as an insult. It's just so easy for some to start a thread before searching. I'm sure you searched though. I'm just talking generally.
  3. WhatWouldBobDo?

    Growing in VA

    Um ... did that post make sense to anyone else?
  4. WhatWouldBobDo?

    Guerilla growing - Suitable plot? (pictures included)

    Not bad ideas South Texas. I love seeing your posts, always inspiring. Moccasins work better than duct tape. It's hard to see your foot prints, let alone get an actual "size". But that depends on what's in the area. Lots of sharp dangerous things and moccasins don't go very well together...
  5. WhatWouldBobDo?

    Growing in VA

    Tips: start indoors. Lookup when your last frost is. Look up average summer rainfall per month in your area. Largest Tip Ever: read through this forum. Every post if possible. It never is though. Every question you could have (unless it's some new tech or new law or new equipment) has already...
  6. WhatWouldBobDo?

    East Coast USA Outdoor, when to start?

    Depends how far south. Virginia is considered southern US, so is Florida. The planting season differs by about a month between. Usually after last frost works. I shoot for early to mid April. Hope that helps.
  7. WhatWouldBobDo?

    outdoor odor control

    I've heard of a person putting pinesol in a bucket with water, then adding an airstone with an air pump. could work, although maybe not. Planting other highly smelling plants is a great idea. Go with what KushKing said. Hibiscus works well for that kinda thing too. Generally speaking though...
  8. WhatWouldBobDo?

    Guerilla growing - Suitable plot? (pictures included)

    I may be in the minority here, but I'm 100% against cutting down trees to get more light in the area. ESPECIALLY when it's guerilla growing. But, I've grown up with the Outdoor Code: leave only footprints, take only pictures ... I've since updated to: Leave as few footprints as possible, take no...
  9. WhatWouldBobDo?

    Ethics of Guerilla growing on someone else's land

    Haha, your such a lazy ass. No, don't read through 100 posts just to confirm what you think ... read through them because that's what you are supposed to do. Do what you like, I don't care. But if you don't read the thread, then ... SHUT THE FUCK UP
  10. WhatWouldBobDo?

    Ethics of Guerilla growing on someone else's land

    He already explained much of that on the previous pages. You should really try reading the entire thread before you comment at the end.
  11. WhatWouldBobDo?

    veggin indoors then movin to outside

    Interesting. I've never known someone to do that. What time do you move outdoors?