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  1. cycleogic

    Iso Hash Oil Extracting Questions

    Oakley's not being a dick in any way lmao His tech works to the fullest. I keep all my material, jars, and alcohol frozen for at least a couple hours before-hand. I shake the weed/alcohol mix GENTLY for about 10 seconds tops then quickly strain through a coarse metal strainer. let the alcohol...
  2. cycleogic

    Vaccum pump help..barely gets to 20 psi

    you mean 20hg? My hand pump gets to 25 and with heat added, it works fine. I think you may want a higher CFM pump.
  3. cycleogic

    How to test my amber glass to see if it's purged right

    get a nice glob on the end of your dabber and put a lighter to it really quickly a handful of times and if it sparks or catches fire, you've got tane in it. if not, I would say dab a little and see what it does. Sizzle isnt always bad, that usually means theres some extra water in it. but...
  4. cycleogic

    Iso Extractions by _oakley_

    Pretty easy to monitor temps when you have a thermometer :P as far as adding water to the ISO, I dont think thats a good idea. However, water curing the material you plan to wash with ISO will get out a lot of chlorophyll before extraction. not sure if thats what you meant or not.
  5. cycleogic

    Iso Extractions by _oakley_

    These are a couple batches of ISO I Made for a friend the other day This is a batch of Sour Diesel after its been heat vac'd at 110-120F three times. it buddered up on me and turned into wax. first time iso has ever done that to me. Had a CRAZY good smell though, super strong!
  6. cycleogic

    my BHO came out really dark this time

    also depends on harvest time. Earlier harvested bud has less amber trichs than mature buds. thats also strain dependent too.
  7. cycleogic

    QWISO Question?

    I believe so yes. I'm not sure however if the alcohol has a carrying capacity before it stops absorbing the cannabinoids...