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  1. sevendouce


    Any type of molasses specify I use fancy because for some reason I can't find black strap
  2. sevendouce


    Flushing at the end of harvest wasn't the fucking question
  3. sevendouce


    And guess what the issue has been fixed and the plants are happy and healthy at this moment which they weren't before. So no idea how anything is screwed
  4. sevendouce


    How did I screw it up i had a deficiency whih your supposed to fix before flowering are you not?
  5. sevendouce


    Well I do add molasses to my water
  6. sevendouce


    Everyone is way off topic in the first place
  7. sevendouce


    FYI I wasnt asking for anyone an advice on how to flush or why to flush
  8. sevendouce


    My question didnt pertain to flushing in the First place, I had a deficiency so I flushed and fixed it now the question was how long do I have to wait before flowering them after I had flushed
  9. sevendouce


    If some of the metals are left behind you get a black ash when you smoke a joint when you dont you get a grey ash. I've tested this theory by feeding to the end with no flush PR any sort on a few autos of mine
  10. sevendouce


    I just don't feed them anymore nutrients two weeks before I know I'm harvesting let them burn off what's left in the soil and feed with flawless finish and pH water and so far that has given me the best results and smoothest smoke so far
  11. sevendouce


    Why would I feed my plants heavy metals right before harvest ? You have to wash that shit out of the plant before harvest or itr doesn't smoke right and it doesn't burn right
  12. sevendouce


    Just like everything it's a learning process and I'm always learning
  13. sevendouce


    It's my 4th grow so I know enough to get me by , so far all my smoke has turned out pretty good
  14. sevendouce


    Lol still kinda new at all this. First time growing regs. Usually grow autos
  15. sevendouce


    Like actual sugar ? Put it in with my water towards end ?
  16. sevendouce


    I have flawless finish and haven't even noticed much of a difference using that either before harvest either
  17. sevendouce


    I have flushed before harvest in past I have also gave just pH balanced water at the end for 2 weeks and haven't noticed a difference
  18. sevendouce


    Well o don't FLush before harvest. But I give nothing but pH water
  19. sevendouce


    Thanks for the input
  20. sevendouce


    So I should be able to send into flowering now then without causing them issues