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  1. Shredderthirty

    Matching Drivers and COBs

    yeah i was just hoping to lite up a bigger spot than a 2'x2'.... well how much space do you think it will light up?
  2. Shredderthirty

    Mau5Capades: builds & grow journal

    nice that's what i've been thinking, i'm running 36V and c700's right now. So when/if you go to c1400 do you just run 1 driver per bar(4cxb)
  3. Shredderthirty

    Matching Drivers and COBs

    cool cool i may get one 65K 3590 and use it for a lil veg light ( i was hoping i could run 2 CXB on this driver, do you think that is possible at all with all the adjustments?) very interesting on the multiple parallel strings, i may look into something like that
  4. Shredderthirty

    Why do some guys wats to still use mono led with cobs?

    just know, i mean it :weed:
  5. Shredderthirty

    Why do some guys wats to still use mono led with cobs?

    Tweak A term used in western ski areas for when a trick is highly refined in movement, such as with legs or arms fully extended, to give maximum aesthetic quality to a trick. Demonstrates high technical ability, much like in gymnastics.
  6. Shredderthirty

    Why do some guys wats to still use mono led with cobs?

    yeah its something about the cobs already having enough blue and the deep red being all they are missing out on...660nm i think
  7. Shredderthirty

    Matching Drivers and COBs

    hey I've got a couple drivers that i ordered that won't work for my CXB's what could i use these for?
  8. Shredderthirty

    Mau5Capades: builds & grow journal

    that new setup with the 3590's look great! you running one of those 700mA drivers per bar (4 cobbs)?
  9. Shredderthirty

    Why do some guys wats to still use mono led with cobs?

    what a lovely room, i see you have lens on one unit and reflectors on the other, which do you like better??
  10. Shredderthirty

    Why do some guys wats to still use mono led with cobs?

    i know your gonna be pissed REAL but i voted yes, add them.... but you know i mean for extra voltage, not replacing a CXB
  11. Shredderthirty

    DIY led grow

    ohh wow 137w to each 3590, is that the max consistent wattage? bet they are PUMPing out some light. ohh nice you have tried that, i knew i could not have just came up with that before anyone
  12. Shredderthirty

    CXB3590 1500W

    you have links to whatever lights ur talking about on amazon
  13. Shredderthirty

    DIY led grow

    has anybody ever like wrapped the heat sink with a reflector? or does that even make sense to anybody. I was just thinking you could take whatever reflective material and drape it kinda like a tiny lil curtain/bed skirt down a couple of inches..... sorry if the idea sucks, i usually wait a lil...
  14. Shredderthirty

    CXB3590 1500W

    About half of that... 290ish ppfd Nice, so you just said about half that cause the quote was 1.4a and i'm using .7a? That's great cause i'm about to double up that same unit and if it puts me around 500 (just to cover half the tent) then next i'll copy that panel and have ~1000 in a 4x4 to...
  15. Shredderthirty

    CXB3590 1500W

    oh so let me throw this math out for everybody that just loves to do math. 8- CXB3590 3500K 36v on a HLG-185Hc700 in a 4x4 into PPFD
  16. Shredderthirty

    CXB3590 1500W

    yeah so do you think a lens is better than a reflector. i guess with a reflector you don't obstruct your light in any way... just trying to see the pros and cons of both.. and i'm probably just going to run them at 23W each...but ya know how plans change :)
  17. Shredderthirty

    DIY led grow

    nice unit, i'm trying to decide if i want to get some reflectors or lenses to try on my CXB, you like them?
  18. Shredderthirty

    CXB3590 1500W

    so how many cobs do you have with lenses Supra?? i'm about to put in another order and fill up this heatsink and was thinking of getting some, but was thinking about what you said with the "loss" that a lens will produce and wether it outweighed that with penetration. right now my 10x36 HS has...
  19. Shredderthirty

    Heatsinks for DIY LED lamps

    okay, yeah. really i guess my main question out of all of that is if 10" is wide enough to have three CXB3590 in a row