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  1. Boodacious

    My first grow, useing Aerofram

    Morrisgreenberg I have a min 15min timer. I'm going to change it right now and go for "15 min on, 45 min off". I belive my water temp, is below 75F (24C) for now alist.. My location is North of europe and it's quiet cold right now. As for the enzyme products. I have none :( ... I really...
  2. Boodacious

    My first grow, useing Aerofram

    Hey everyone.. It has been 13 days now, from the day I germinated my seeds. Today I saw three of my baby plant's had roots :-D I couldn't "see" roots on the last one :-( - xrayspecs question -do you have it running 24/7? Answer-I let it run for 1 hour & 15 min & let it take a break for...
  3. Boodacious

    My first grow, useing Aerofram

    Here are some Pics of my grow-room & my baby's.. Happy Easter 2 everyone at rollitup ... : )
  4. Boodacious

    My first grow, useing Aerofram

    Hey everyone.. Here are the Pics, which I couldn't upload yesteday..
  5. Boodacious

    My first grow, useing Aerofram

    Hey there... I'm starting an organic grow hobby for the first time and I want to share my little adventure here with ya all.. After reading countless hours of Posts, some pleople have managed to insprit me to start my own grow. I have build a closet, up in the loft.. Grow-Area · My...