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  1. R

    PC Case, First Grow, White Widow

    I was thinking of buying some nutrients today? Is it too early? I found one NPK: 28-8-16 will that be fine for now? As for the water.. I have been using tap water so far and it is very hard. Should I buy some purified water and just flush it with that? There are plenty of holes under the pot...
  2. R

    PC Case, First Grow, White Widow

    Thanks for the advise. I will buy a timer today and set it to 18/6
  3. R

    PC Case, First Grow, White Widow

    Hi, I started growing my first plant recently. I germinated the seed on the 7th and planted it on the 9th. The plant looks green and healthy but it doesn't seem to be growing fast. It has been the same height for 2-3 days. Am I doing anything wrong? Is this normal growth for a week old...
  4. R

    PC Case, First Grow, White Widow

    My girl doesn't seem to be growing fast at all. Its been almost the same height for 2-3 days now. Is this normal at this stage? The leaves look green and healthy as far as I can tell. Should I water it using deionized water or bottled water? Should I turn the light off for few hours a day?
  5. R

    PC Case, First Grow, White Widow

    Hi, I starter my first grow about 10 days ago. Please have a look at my journal and comment. Any help/advice will be much appreciated.
  6. R

    PC Case, First Grow, White Widow

    Hi All, This is my first grow. I am only trying to grow one plant. I bought the following items and I built my own PC grow box. 1 65w CFL 6500k, 4k lumens (works out about 5k/sqf) 2 PC fans Mylar Miracle Grow All Purpose Compost Feminized White Widow Seeds I put the seed to germinate on the...