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  1. nz_grower

    Yellowing leaves

    Hey guys. Basically I'm totally new to photoperiod and soil so I could just be being a rookie but I have yellow leaves with a runoff of 6.2ph and 3.4 ec so not to sure whats going on. They are in canna terra professional medium btw. Any help would be appreciated :)
  2. nz_grower

    Plant deficiency problems

    Oh man half to 3/4 of a pound it's almost like losing a baby lol. Alright will do cheers for the advice man
  3. nz_grower

    Plant deficiency problems

    I feel like I'm learning from scratch too cause I normally grow autos and this is my first photoperiod grow. Oh dont get me started on autumn weather I once had a plant get mold riddled on the cola a week from harvest lol.
  4. nz_grower

    Plant deficiency problems

    Cheers for the advice guys. My friend just knows that it's in soil and perlite atm. I'm going to repot into 4 gal pots with canna terra professional medium. Using tap water yeah :/
  5. nz_grower

    Potential Magnesium Deficiency?

    Cheers for the response, Someone on another thread has suggested a phosphorus deff?. All my friend knows is that there in soil and perlite. Was going to repot them today into 4 gal pots with canna terra professional medium
  6. nz_grower

    Plant deficiency problems

    Yeah definetly! I wish growing was easier but if it wasn't testing where would be the fun in that. Thanks for that chart yeah I think your onto something I may change the feed/watering ph to 6.5-6.7
  7. nz_grower

    Plant deficiency problems

    I was thinking of a 4 gal pot originally so I'll take that advice cheers mate. I dont want to be that guy who keeps asking the same question but do you think this will fix the deficiency problem?
  8. nz_grower

    Potential Magnesium Deficiency?

    I have only had the chance to feed them once and since there in such small containers I didnt want to overdo it so I fed them with canna terra vega at 0.8 ec with the ph at 5.9. The runoff for two of the ones that I checked were 5.9:0.8 ec and 5.9:1 ec
  9. nz_grower

    Potential Magnesium Deficiency?

    Yeah mate cheers for the response, this is the best I can do for now
  10. nz_grower

    Plant deficiency problems

    Cheers for the response Yeah I was going to repot into 5 litre pots ASAP. You think that is what's causing these deficiencies?
  11. nz_grower

    Potential Magnesium Deficiency?

    Hey guys, I just got three clones from a friend and I think they all have a mag/worse deficiencie going on. They are about 3 weeks into veg and are in 500 ml pots which mystifies me as to how they haven't got more deficiencies yet!. My set up is a 600w hps light in a 1.2x1.2x2 meter tent with an...
  12. nz_grower

    Plant deficiency problems

    Hey guys, I just got three clones from a friend and I've noticed some deficiencies and would love some help identifying and solving these issues. They are about 3 weeks into veg and are in 500 ml pots which I have a feeling might not be helping the issue. My set up is a 600w hps light in a...
  13. nz_grower

    Hermied plant worth keeping?

    Hii guys! I'm currently doing an indoor coco grow up with two plants. I think one of them might have started to hermie. It has just gone into week 9 of flowering and I found some seed sacks with newly formed seeds in them. I think it's because of stress, as they got to tall, getting light burn...
  14. nz_grower

    Multiple plant problems :(

    oh brilliant thank's a lot man!. any ideas on ec during flowering?
  15. nz_grower

    Multiple plant problems :(

    getting an ec meter tomorrow for that exact reason. From what I have heard, the best level for the plants is supposed to be 0.8-1.2 ec?.and then once they get over 1.5 flush it out?. Sorry about all the questions, just first time growing with coco and indoors
  16. nz_grower

    Multiple plant problems :(

    thank's a lot for that, you reckon I just flush them and then continue feeding, but with a fertilizer with a lot lower nitrogen content?
  17. nz_grower

    Multiple plant problems :(

    yeah thank's a lot mate will calm down on the watering, maybe every other day instead?
  18. nz_grower

    Multiple plant problems :(

    Hi guys! Growing 3 autoflower plants in 70/30 coco>perlite medium, 15 liter pots a 120x 120 x200 cm grow tent. I have a 600w watt led light. Current humidity is 48% and ph reading for the water im giving them is 5.8. Feeding with growzilla 2 part nutrient with an npk ratio of 28.5.30. Having a...
  19. nz_grower

    Bad nute burn?

    I needed to keep the plant smallish to keep it discreet.
  20. nz_grower

    Bad nute burn?

    So stop on the nutes and flush hard until harvest?