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  1. SlowTwitch

    Help! My Patients want wax not bubble Need to make decision now

    Ro not to and nutes not Jutes fucking phone! Sorry . . .
  2. SlowTwitch

    Help! My Patients want wax not bubble Need to make decision now

    I use living organics too. All Jutes and pesticides I use are food grade. When i make bubble I rinse with to and a few drops of peroxide. Kills anything in it.
  3. SlowTwitch

    Can you help a brother out? Clones are sucking -- NEED HELP!

    Hi grow peeps! I've been cloning for a few years, but just built an aerocloner to try and get better/faster results. It's a Rubbermaid 18 gallon tub with a 400 gph pump, ten spray nozzles and four gallons of water. I cut 32 holes in the lid and put in 2" cups with neoprene collars. As for...
  4. SlowTwitch

    Pain Strains

    orzz: Hey man, your spine sounds exactly like mine. Fused at c3 - c5, lamenectomy c3-c7, discectomy at l5 s1 and currently have broken vert at l3. It sucks butt man that's for sure. I've found the most relief from crosses like skunk berry Jack Flash and Aurora Indica. I'm trying Black...
  5. SlowTwitch

    aurora indica Nirvana seedbank

    GE: Hey bud, still looking for info on AI? I did a grow a few back of Nirvana's AI and I loved it. It grew out nice, flowered quick, stayed low and was great smoke. I still have a fwe buds in my stash. The plants grew short and stocky. Buds were large but not huge, and most phenos smelled...
  6. SlowTwitch

    Two Hash Questions

    I've been using both the bubble bags and dry screening, and each has it's 'high' points. The bags are easy to use, you can go through the material pretty quickly, and the end product is excellent -- plus it's cleaner of contaminants (dirt, bugs like gnats, etc.) PLUS, you end up with different...
  7. SlowTwitch

    First time grower - Lighting question

    Hi: The lights you choose are one of, if not the most important decision you will make towards growing. I use two four foot tubes to clone/veg, and they are barely sufficient. I am using 1000 HPS for buds. You get out of it what you put in to it. Personally, I don't want fluorescent...
  8. SlowTwitch

    Earth Juice...Good/Bad stuff...???

    Hi Dan: I've used them in the past and am using some at present. I have used it and Fox Farms, and to tell the truth, I can't tell much difference. I've been using the Earth Juice catalyst for the last two crops and it's really amazing -- the older leaves don't yellow and die. The old leaves...
  9. SlowTwitch

    BLOOMBASTIC - anyone heard of it ?

    DBONE, You too. Who's got it and for how much? I'd love to try it and I'm at about six weeks. BUBBA
  10. SlowTwitch

    BLOOMBASTIC - anyone heard of it ?

    Hey DWR, got any left, and if so ... how much? LMK BUBBA
  11. SlowTwitch

    some tasty organic buds

    Nice grow my friend. I just started to cure some Jock that I grew this spring. It was a wierd crop, must've been f2s or something as the phenos were crazy. Some finished in 8 weeks and others weren't quite done at 13 weeks. It's really nice gear though, I love the effects. And the kief from...
  12. SlowTwitch

    Jock Horror or Jack Herrer!?

    F4: Hey, how's the Jock Horror ladies doing? I have 10 seedlings right now that are about 6 inches tall and about a month old. Also, BC Sweet Tooth, Skunkberry, Bubblegum and Aroura Indica. BUT, what I'm really after is how tall were they when you put them to flowering, and how much have...