Two Hash Questions


Well-Known Member
Back again with more questions for the crowd...

1) What books on hash does everyone recommend?

2) I've heard of people adding a tiny bit of flavor to their hash...has anyone used liquor? I was thinking a drop or two of really good rum might be interesting...thoughts?

Thanks for any help folks...:peace:


Well-Known Member
If you wanna make good hash use bubble bags cold water extraction. As far as trying to flavor your hash, if you do it right true hash needs no flavering. But use good trim
and good popcorn buds to get good hash. I have noticed the more blonded my Hash the better.


Well-Known Member
Muchas Gracias budsworth!!

This is my first grow. I'm trying to learn as much as possible...I appreciate the feedback.

Any thoughts on the dry pollen tumblers? Logisitcally, the bubble bags may be difficult for me.



Well-Known Member
give me a few days green surfer and I will have a cheap ass easy bubble hash method for you posted as a new thread. strainers...mixer...two a coffee filter...thats all you need:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
There is a book called CANNIBIS ALCHEMY i'm not sure who wrote it.

Man it is the best. Multiple extraction methods for the advanced and basic chemist. but the way I like to do it is the BHO method. Using food grade butane to purify you hash to make glue. beautiful amber glue. You can also make black hash with your left-over green matter. also scissor cheese is my favorite when you scrape the glue off the scissors after a nice sticky harvest, or trim. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

V ReD <i>


Well-Known Member
Thanks...I found the title in no time at an online bookshop site...$9 including shipping...great tip! Thanks again :peace:


Active Member
I've been using both the bubble bags and dry screening, and each has it's 'high' points. The bags are easy to use, you can go through the material pretty quickly, and the end product is excellent -- plus it's cleaner of contaminants (dirt, bugs like gnats, etc.) PLUS, you end up with different grades of material.

The dry screen method however, has much more flavor and smell to it. The H2O washes away some of the terpenes responsible for much of the smell.

Flavoring hash is something I've not read about in any books. The flavor of herb seems to come from the plant genetics, the grower's skill, the dry/cure and little else. Some think that pressing the hash or freed trichomes helps with the flavor. IMHO it's inconsequential. Alcohol is a solvent when put together with trichomes, so it may be more than you bargain for to help with flavor.

Ed Rosenthal's book Trash to Stash is a good one for making the most of your trim and leftovers. There are several online directions that'll get you there. Rewmember, if you use bags let the mixed material sit for a good 1/2 hour before removing the bags and straining the headies out.


Well-Known Member
Thanks SlowTwitch...

So, the H20 thing isn't as difficult or messy as it sounds? I have limited space and stealth is important.

I thought a tumbler might be easier since the cuttings go in, tumble, and then you scrap up the crystals...and press.

Could bubble bags be used easily in a small kitchen? How long does the process usually take if I have 4-6 medium size plants trimmed up?

Really appreciate the help...:peace:


Well-Known Member
Adding an ethyl alcohol like rum to THC is not a good idea, it fries the trichomes. If your a little bit of a chemist try making an ester alcohol.
The majority of foods are flavoured artificially by esters, you could produce a blueberry,cherry,artificial rum and so-on, and it requires little talent to make aswell.

As for the bubble hash, you can buy some kits online that allow you to do it very discreetly inside your kitchen, it requires little space and if you do a quick search you might find one.

If your short on cash there's always the blender method, mixing your prime cuttings with ice and water in blender and blending it till it knocks the trichs off the plant trimmings. There's something about cold ice that innoculates trichomes, anyways, you allow this to sit and wait for the mixture the settle. You will notice a layer of cloudy trichs at the bottom, the plant debris floats on water but trichomes float to the bottom :)
Then you can pour off the head of the mixture ( about 2/3's) and sift through a coffee filter.
The sludge left in the coffee filter when the water drains is your hash.


Well-Known Member
Wow...good stuff!!

Cash isn't so much the is playing with bubble bags for an hour or two in my kitchen.

The blender thing sounds interesting and easy...has anyone else had success using the blender and coffee filter method?

As for the rum, I think I'm off of that kick...I can't remember where I read it, but it sounded interesting at the time. Not so much any more...

Thanks for the help...:peace:


New Member
Yes I also 2ndthe bubble hash method.
give me a few days green surfer and I will have a cheap ass easy bubble hash method for you posted as a new thread. strainers...mixer...two a coffee filter...thats all you need:blsmoke:
There is a book called CANNIBIS ALCHEMY i'm not sure who wrote it.

Man it is the best. Multiple extraction methods for the advanced and basic chemist. but the way I like to do it is the BHO method. Using food grade butane to purify you hash to make glue. beautiful amber glue. You can also make black hash with your left-over green matter. also scissor cheese is my favorite when you scrape the glue off the scissors after a nice sticky harvest, or trim. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.I wouldn't mees with butane stuff especially if you are new to this. Its dangerous. :twisted:

V ReD <i>
Thanks...I found the title in no time at an online bookshop site...$9 including shipping...great tip! Thanks again :peace:
sweet deal :)

I've been using both the bubble bags and dry screening, and each has it's 'high' points. The bags are easy to use, you can go through the material pretty quickly, and the end product is excellent -- plus it's cleaner of contaminants (dirt, bugs like gnats, etc.) PLUS, you end up with different grades of material.very cool. I am getting my B quick bubbleator by the end of this week.

The dry screen method however, has much more flavor and smell to it. The H2O washes away some of the terpenes responsible for much of the smell.

Flavoring hash is something I've not read about in any books. The flavor of herb seems to come from the plant genetics, the grower's skill, the dry/cure and little else. Some think that pressing the hash or freed trichomes helps with the flavor. IMHO it's inconsequential. Alcohol is a solvent when put together with trichomes, so it may be more than you bargain for to help with flavor.

Ed Rosenthal's book Trash to Stash is a good one for making the most of your trim and leftovers. There are several online directions that'll get you there. Rewmember, if you use bags let the mixed material sit for a good 1/2 hour before removing the bags and straining the headies out.
Adding an ethyl alcohol like rum to THC is not a good idea, it fries the trichomes. If your a little bit of a chemist try making an ester alcohol.
The majority of foods are flavoured artificially by esters, you could produce a blueberry,cherry,artificial rum and so-on, and it requires little talent to make aswell.

As for the bubble hash, you can buy some kits online that allow you to do it very discreetly inside your kitchen, it requires little space and if you do a quick search you might find harvest 1 -866-727-0333
B quick bubbleator distributor for north amercia

If your short on cash there's always the blender method, mixing your prime cuttings with ice and water in blender and blending it till it knocks the trichs off the plant trimmings. There's something about cold ice that innoculates trichomes, anyways, you allow this to sit and wait for the mixture the settle. You will notice a layer of cloudy trichs at the bottom, the plant debris floats on water but trichomes float to the bottom :)
Then you can pour off the head of the mixture ( about 2/3's) and sift through a coffee filter.
The sludge left in the coffee filter when the water drains is your hash.
I DO NOT recommend the blender hash method. :twisted:

Wow...good stuff!!

Cash isn't so much the is playing with bubble bags for an hour or two in my kitchen.

The blender thing sounds interesting and easy...has anyone else had success using the blender and coffee filter method?

As for the rum, I think I'm off of that kick...I can't remember where I read it, but it sounded interesting at the time. Not so much any more...

Thanks for the help...:peace:
The bubbleator is expensive but order the bubble bags. You will save yourself a lot of aggrevation. Then you can do the bubble bag method but using a bucket and a hand drill, ice water etc.

I am also going to be making a hash making thread when my supplies come in.

Good luck.:mrgreen: Nice thread. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks Lacy!! I really appreciate the nice feedback :hug:

I will definately be looking for your thread...let me know where and appx. when you'll start so I can keep a lookout.

I'm a newbie...and a perfectionist...seriously, I've been taking notes.

I'm officially a dork...

I've read about the bag, bucket and hand-mixer method...but I'm really small time...I'll have between 4-6 plants max. I'm afraid the bubble bags won't be a good buy...

That said, could I freeze two or three harvest's worth of trimmings, then make my 'stuff' with the bags? Or, would 120 days be too long for the trim in the freezer?



New Member
You are most welcome.
Why won't the bubble bags be a good buy?

You can purchase them now and have them by the end of the week.

I'm a perfectionist too.....drives me and everyone around me nuts. :twisted:

I'm not a newbie but am a bit of a dork too....definitely have a nerd side to me:mrgreen: bu tits all good.........ok...:roll:...well most of it.
Thanks Lacy!! I really appreciate the nice feedback :hug:

I will definately be looking for your thread...let me know where and appx. when you'll start so I can keep a lookout.If I get my bubbleator Friday I will be making the thread next weekend...if Monday then early next week. :mrgreen:

I'm a newbie...and a perfectionist...seriously, I've been taking notes.

I'm officially a dork...

I've read about the bag, bucket and hand-mixer method...but I'm really small time...I'll have between 4-6 plants max. I'm afraid the bubble bags won't be a good buy...I have about 9 to 11 plants to add. :mrgreen: I want good hash for my trip:hump:

That said, could I freeze two or three harvest's worth of trimmings, then make my 'stuff' with the bags? Or, would 120 days be too long for the trim in the freezer?Umm...not sure but I would guess that it is NOT a good idea. Get the bags and save yourself a headache.



Well-Known Member
these are the materials you are gonne need for a small hash op...I will post this all in the thread to come but it's perfect for someone of your scale. I got everything from my local dollar store except the mixer I had from way the heck back when...check it out. btw,,,in one of the pics i placed the tip of a pen by the screens i use so you can have some reference. cheers...go buy the shit. lol



New Member
Yeah. I would say this is the most popular vote that would find here.
I've been asking for a while now and did the blender hash method three times only to find I wasted a lot of good bud.
Since I wanted primo hash I added lots of good bud but somehoe did it wrong and made some garbage instead.

You are a lot safer getting the bubbleator bags. You can't use the stalk the same way as other methods because it will rip the silk bags but i have read LOTS of great results.

I have only heard of one person say they got 'so so' results. :mrgreen:
If you order some now we can both make it at about the same time next week.:mrgreen::peace: We'll have a hash making party.

Like we need an excuse to party. :-|

You can get 1 gal bubble bags just for small yields.


Well-Known Member
I wish I could start next week! My first grow isn't scheduled to start until late August when my work travel really slows down for the year and we take our big int'l vacation.

Then, I can be home to nurture our little ladies :roll:

...right in time for the holidays...woohoo...and no...I never really need an excuse to party. Eventhough I slowed down quite a bit :blsmoke:

You are right...after much reading on the boards...bags seem to be the most popular. I can't wait to read your hash making thread...and take dorky notes
