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  1. Z

    My Exhaust is Now My Intake?

    well for the first few grows I was using 2 computer fans as exhaust which was mounted on the opposite side of the door of the cab. Me being stupid, it was mounted not at the very top but more to the middle. I just bought a inline fan and mounted it so it will pull air through the upper back...
  2. Z


    I think around 60g from 3 blue mystic using 4 23w cfl and 2 2ft T5. Well that's good to know, I was worried because of all the warnings about making sure to burp while curing.
  3. Z


    well I had hang dried for 5 day and then started curing. This is my first time curing but I've been letting them out for a couple of hours. I'm not sure if this is mold or just normal? I'm still new to growing and smoking so I don't know what is normal looking buds. I wouldn't think mold can...
  4. Z

    is this normal? or more lights

    well the plants started to flower but it seems like only the middle is really flowering. I've started to see the small clear stuff on the leaves but for the other two plants on the left and right seem to be stunted. All the conditions are the same in the box but the middle plant looks like its...
  5. Z

    is this normal? or more lights

    I don't know much about growing plants so I guess flowering is when the white hairs are showing up? I had it mainly on 6500k for the first 3 weeks then went 50/50 last week. It's also on 20/4. The thing I find surprising is that the middle plant is the biggest but when putting it in the...
  6. Z

    is this normal? or more lights

    Well yeah this is my first time. Do I need to add lights? Its 3 easy ryders, the one on the right almost died so that stunted it growth. This is at around 4 weeks, should I also change the lighting to more 2700k?
  7. Z

    bugs maybe?

    well this is my first grow. I've notice small silver spots on two leaves. Spider mites? or maybe be burning from lights. I have 2 T5 on the sides and right now, one 42 watt hanging but i did have 2 42 watts but problems with heat so I took a light out.