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  1. GooberGrape

    Advanced Nutrients' Jungle Juice in Soil?

    I'm going to switch things up. It is too hard to maintain a good temperature in my reservoir during the summer, here in the desert, so I'm going to do a couple soil grows. Has anyone used Advanced Nutrients' Jungle Juice during a soil grow? How did it go? I've only ever used fertilizer...
  2. GooberGrape

    Has anyone used Jungle Juice in soil?

    I'm going to switch things up. It is too hard to maintain a good temperature in my reservoir during the summer, here in the desert, so I'm going to do a couple soil grows. Has anyone used Jungle Juice during a soil grow? How did it go? I've only ever used fertilizer meant for soil during a...
  3. GooberGrape

    Thought I was busted!

    I agree that cops do manufacture stories sometimes, but this one wasn't. It was in the local paper. I'm glad they caught the guy. I don't like it when others cause trouble for me. But, I keep everything locked up tight. The cops would have had to break in to take a peak and I would have no...
  4. GooberGrape

    Thought I was busted!

    I left for an hour a week ago Friday to go shopping for dinner. When I got back there were cops on my porch and a dog in my yard. I about pissed myself. I calmly parked my car, got out, and talked to an officer. A guy had gotten into a fight with his dad, down the street, and stabbed him...
  5. GooberGrape

    Question about PPM measurement.

    Well, thanks for all the advice! The plant is looking healthy now. It is appreciated!
  6. GooberGrape

    Question about PPM measurement.

    Ok, I wasn't adding nutrients throughout the week. I would just check the water pH during the week. How would I go about adding nutrients throughout the week in a DWC setup? What I was told to do was make up my nutrient solution and add water that has no nutrients in it to top off the water...
  7. GooberGrape

    Question about PPM measurement.

    That helps a lot!
  8. GooberGrape

    Question about PPM measurement.

    Ok, I think it was probably a combination of high nutrients and pH changing too rapidly. I flushed overnight and then I got the nutrients at 750 ppm. I did this on Thursday and then changed reservoir on Friday. It seems to have stopped. I was told that I should let the pH go up and down...
  9. GooberGrape

    Question about PPM measurement.

    I just checked the EC/PPM (I use an EC meter and do the math) and the EC/PPM is now 1.7/1190 so the PPM has dropped by 70 in 48 hours. Maybe I should flush for 24 hours and start a new reservoir with a PPM of around 800?
  10. GooberGrape

    Question about PPM measurement.

    Those are good questions. I am using a DWC. The water doesn't smell bad. The pH goes up over time. I don't know about the PPMs. I have only been checking those when I change my nutrients. Should I check those once a day as well?
  11. GooberGrape

    Question about PPM measurement.

    What would be a good ppm measurement for my situation; 10 days into flowering and 18 inches tall?
  12. GooberGrape

    Question about PPM measurement.

    I'm new to hydroponics and I'm on my second grow. I have a plant that has leafs that are "ram horning". I think that it is either a magnesium deficiency or the addition of too many nutes. I am ten days into flowering. The plant is about 18 inches tall. It is nice and green. My EC is at 1.8...
  13. GooberGrape

    Firs time hydro ..need help with EC and PH

    The converter Mr. Ganja posts only does the 442 conversion. There are two more conversions that should be considered depending on the instructions on the nutrient label.
  14. GooberGrape

    Firs time hydro ..need help with EC and PH

    I shouldn't say that it is better. That is stupid of me to say that.
  15. GooberGrape

    Firs time hydro ..need help with EC and PH

    Here is a better way of figuring out EC to PPM with the measurements of PPM in both NiCal and 442 conversion. Great chart! Electrical Conductivity (EC) Parts Per Million (PPM) millisiemens (mS) microsiemens (µS) NaCl Conversion 442 Conversion 1.0 1000 = 500 ppm 700 ppm 1.5 1500 = 750...
  16. GooberGrape

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Has anyone ever germinated a seed in rockwool and put that in hydroton over the reservoir and sprouted that way? Maybe put a humidity dome right over the DWC bucket? I was thinking of trying it that way next time I grew.
  17. GooberGrape

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Thanks for the compliment on the plant. That was my first time growing under 250 watt. The last one was much nicer. I got 58 grams off of it. Both times I couldn't even afford good soil. I was using Miraclegro with the time released fertilizers. Now I've switched to a DWC and am...
  18. GooberGrape

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    I just found this thread...It's great! I've been growing under 250 watt HPS for about a year. I've just switched to a hydro DWC for this one. It's different. I like growing under 250 watt. I've had pretty good luck. Here is a pic of my first grow under 250. In the pic this plant is about...
  19. GooberGrape

    Plant growing too tall!

    Right now it is a 250 Watt HPS over the one plant. I've been growing one to two plants every four months and that's enough for me until my next harvest. I'm just doing the one this time. I'm surprised that out of this bag of seeds I've bought I've not grown one male.
  20. GooberGrape

    Plant growing too tall!

    I don't know the strain. What I do know is that I bought a bag of seeds from a website that was a mix of indoor strains that all finish between eight to ten weeks.