Thought I was busted!


I left for an hour a week ago Friday to go shopping for dinner. When I got back there were cops on my porch and a dog in my yard. I about pissed myself. I calmly parked my car, got out, and talked to an officer. A guy had gotten into a fight with his dad, down the street, and stabbed him. They were looking for the guy and the dog went up to my porch. The cops were all over the outside of my house checking windows and my front and back door to see if the guy had entered my house. After I assured them that I make sure they are always locked they left and went on looking down the street. It's been over a week and they haven't came back. I was tempted to destroy everything. I'm glad I kept a cool head and didn't. I have about two and a half weeks left in my grow and I'm looking forward to harvest.


Well-Known Member
Thats kind of what happened to me. Cops looking at my house for someone who was not there. It sucked balls. luckily I was legal.
But I was still shitting my pants the whole time. Glad it worked out for ya.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I spent time in the back of a cop car because I "Looked"
like an escapee. His blue eyes and my brown eyes weren't enough
proof even with my id. At least they let me out eventually but I was stoned that is a lot to digest while baked.


I agree that cops do manufacture stories sometimes, but this one wasn't. It was in the local paper. I'm glad they caught the guy. I don't like it when others cause trouble for me. But, I keep everything locked up tight. The cops would have had to break in to take a peak and I would have no way let them in the house without a search warrant.

I wish I was legal. I qualify for a med card in every state that has them but I can't afford to leave this shit hole.