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  1. MaryJaneGang

    New grower, will this closet work?

    Iowa and ill wait unti lmy first soil harvest to invest in hydro any recommended strains(Indica preferred)?
  2. MaryJaneGang

    New grower, will this closet work?

    It's better not to
  3. MaryJaneGang

    New grower, will this closet work?

    Where would you recommend getting the cheapest seeds?
  4. MaryJaneGang

    New grower, will this closet work?

    What does superthrive do?
  5. MaryJaneGang

    New grower, will this closet work?

    Just got a 3 ft pot, and looking for soil and mollassess soon then seeds, anything else im missing?
  6. MaryJaneGang

    New grower, will this closet work?

    What is mollasses and superthrive(Name tells me but need info) exactly used for and how do you add?
  7. MaryJaneGang

    New grower, will this closet work?

    and im looking for that energetic high (100% Indica) With maximum growth potential and easy maintenance.. Also what is feeding? Adding nutes?
  8. MaryJaneGang

    New grower, will this closet work?

    A pack looking for CHEAPPPPP 20-30 dollars. My lights are 20 w Soft white, 10w GL, and a 160w incandescant(Should i replace this one?? Burns hottttt)
  9. MaryJaneGang

    New grower, will this closet work?

    I can't wait to start! all i need is seeds, cheapest place?
  10. MaryJaneGang

    New grower, will this closet work?

    and im growing 1-2
  11. MaryJaneGang

    New grower, will this closet work?

    this is my first, would one big a$$ CFL work? i also am wondering if there is a website for cheap premixed soil and nutes, or cheap hydro kits under 50(might make my own)
  12. MaryJaneGang

    New grower, will this closet work?

    Uhmmm below $40 I'm on my ps3 so searching is hard. Thanks!
  13. MaryJaneGang

    New grower, will this closet work?

    All the lights you see and a CFL, im cutting the closet in half so less light leaks and putting foil were the carpet is. All this came free, does anyone know if walmart has any good bulbs rhat will help this work? link me.. any suggestions?
  14. MaryJaneGang

    New grower, will this closet work?

    I'll put specs up soon but I'm adding a large CFL too. Osculating fan, old school Humidity and temp reader.