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  1. L

    Clipping Leaves

    well, i wanted to keep my plants smaller and stunting their growth is not a bad thing for me as they cannot get any taller or atleast not much taller
  2. L

    Clipping Leaves

    Hey guys, my leaves are covering the areas bud is supposed to be growing, i only have 3 lights at the top so would it be in my best interest to clip them leaves so the light can get to them? PS these plants has 6 sets of leaves
  3. L

    2 More Pre-start Growing questions

    So what does 20/20/20 mean exactly, like 20% N 20% P 20% ? rest water?, i have 2 females now (had to yank 1) and i havent gave them any fertilzers yet, and theyre a few weeks into flowering, if someone could just tell me to put in x x and x amount into a bottle and water every x days then thatd...
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    2 More Pre-start Growing questions

    Before i grow this next batch i wanna make sure i have Everything needed, I dont understand fertilizers, can someone give me a recipe that i could use after flowering? and how do i add them i've been told to use 20-20-20 when using fertilizers but i do not understand what they mean by 20-20-20...
  5. L

    Walmart Grow Light

    i tried the sun, but i live in an area with Alot of slugs, i lost 4 plants to slugs and other outdoor pests, and i believe i saw deer tracks walk right through my planting area, therefore i cannot use the sun.. and i believe i saw 100w cfls but i think its 'true' wattage was like 27 or somthin...
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    Walmart Grow Light

    im limited to cfls and this, cannot use too much electricity as im only planning on doing 3-4 plants at a time (small personal grower) and its also in a basement which the owner cannot know of the electricity abuse if u catch me
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    Walmart Grow Light I recently purchased this light, and i have grown 3 plants so far, just now 2 weeks into flowering, but that was just for like the feel of it, i am planning on actually putting my all into my next grow and i...
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    First Grow Questions

    Hello rollitup community, so this will be my first grow and before i even start im trying to gather anything and everything ill need before hand. So far i got potting soil, solo cups, reggie seeds, tea tree oil, and 2 CFL bulbs, my water is going to be from a water bottle. I'm planning on...