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  1. UnEmploymentDude

    budding young?

    Wow, that is strange, that really looks like bud, and the crystals are starting to form. maybe it has autoflowering genes.
  2. UnEmploymentDude

    What's your audio system like?

    I enjoy both, I've learned to get with the times and adapt. But I still love analog, its just beautiful.
  3. UnEmploymentDude

    medication we dont need!!!

    Zoloft, never ever again.
  4. UnEmploymentDude

    Conserving Weed... how do YOU do it?

    Pipe man, and limit how often you smoke. Once a week is enough for me, what say you?
  5. UnEmploymentDude

    Look at this giant bud

    Now THAT is sexy!
  6. UnEmploymentDude

    Question about hubby's Plant!

    Its outside? Get rid of that floodlight, if your in the US its natural budding time. Just leave it outside without any lights shining on it at night. And buds just look like little flower buds with white hairs sticking out of it. Congrats and have fun growing.
  7. UnEmploymentDude

    Wanna fly?

    Conquer your fears damnit! Hell I'm terrified of heights, but when I went rock climbing, damn that was fun.
  8. UnEmploymentDude

    Will it grow back? Just curious. Here are the trimmings.
  9. UnEmploymentDude

    LST too stressful?

    Ok, I'm really shocked. Its not a male, its a hermy. Strange thing is, the bottum half of the plant has male/female flowers. The top of the plant is all female, no signs of male plant at all!
  10. UnEmploymentDude

    Maches vs. Lighters

    Neither, I'm all caveman style.
  11. UnEmploymentDude

    easy to make WIFI booster

    I'm already doing this, works great with my server. I've always wanted to make the shotgun canteen thing, but always use my pringles can as a steamroller.
  12. UnEmploymentDude

    I can't STOP!!!!!!111111

    You know your a stoner when....
  13. UnEmploymentDude

    new Co2 tablets, dissolves in water

    hahah I did that! The whole damn cab was minty afterwards!
  14. UnEmploymentDude

    LED's Good or Bad, help needed!!!!!

    Go with HPS, I've seen side by side comparisons of the two. HPS seems to get plants bigger.
  15. UnEmploymentDude

    wheres the thread for people that cant sleep

    My friend got me some sleeping pills. but I plan to take the recreationally. *bows head down in shame*
  16. UnEmploymentDude

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    I hope not! Because I just smoked some more!! :D Yeah. Wanna join me in my Wake'n Bake attempt #2?
  17. UnEmploymentDude


    *goes off to target* I broke my broodwar CD last month.
  18. UnEmploymentDude

    :Joint: Tokin'

    4:20 beeches!! LIGHT 'Em IF You got e'em!
  19. UnEmploymentDude

    :Joint: Tokin'

    4:20 In 2 Mins!
  20. UnEmploymentDude


    Its all about starcraft.