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  1. ChemIndeuced

    Newbie experiment

    They'll do just fine indoors with proper lighting, and possibly better than they did outside. I have read that starting plants outside helps b/c your plant builds immunities and there's no environmental factors inside that will be worse than outside except maybe light and humidity.
  2. ChemIndeuced

    ChemIndeuced's Short Rider Closet Grow (Soil, 400W HPS)

    So I transplanted my short riders to one liter pots the other day, I thought it went pretty horribly b/c they weren't quite ready to make a smooth transition (no solid root ball) but they are doing well since I moved them and are obviously not shocked by the transplant. They should do much...
  3. ChemIndeuced

    ChemIndeuced's Short Rider Closet Grow (Soil, 400W HPS)

    I was under the impression that a mature plant could be hermed if it wasn't allowed to start flowering. I guess I'm wrong on that one, but there's no need to be condescending to me in my thread. If you weren't doing it on purpose my bad, but let me just say that nobody I know calls someone chief...
  4. ChemIndeuced

    Purple Maxx users or people that have used bfore plz

    I just got a sample freebie of this stuff when I went to the hydro store today, I am pretty excited to hear about the effects too. It must work b/c they are rushing production. It says denser buds and more resin on the bottle. I'll probably dilute it to half strength the recommended strength and...
  5. ChemIndeuced

    ChemIndeuced's Short Rider Closet Grow (Soil, 400W HPS)

    I went out to HTG Supply again today and picked up some Fox Farm Ocean Forest potting soil and three pack of fertilizers. I don't want to have to deal with Miracle Grow issues all through my grow. It served its purpose. I have enough money to upgrade though and I think it will be worth the...
  6. ChemIndeuced

    Alternating lamp types?

    bump for curiosity's sake
  7. ChemIndeuced

    ChemIndeuced's Short Rider Closet Grow (Soil, 400W HPS)

    Thanks VV, if I do well on this one maybe I'll get a sick set up like you have for next time. I can hope so at least...
  8. ChemIndeuced

    ChemIndeuced's Short Rider Closet Grow (Soil, 400W HPS)

    Here are my short riders at the two week mark from when I planted the seeds. They are healthy and doing well, although they are growing a lot slower than I anticipated. I am not really worried about it b/c as I have seen with my Lemonhead the vegetative growth is pretty slow at first and the...
  9. ChemIndeuced

    ChemIndeuced's Short Rider Closet Grow (Soil, 400W HPS)

    My bagseed plant has absolutely blown up in fan leaf growth over the last few days and I'm optimistic that it's a girl b/c she's so short. I decided since I don't exactly know what it is, but I remember the nice lemony smell and flavor of the bud I'm calling it Lemonhead Delight. + rep for...
  10. ChemIndeuced

    2nd Grow CFL FEM Jock Horror and Short Rider

    we planted our SRs on the same day, so I will be following yours closely. Good luck, I'm subscribed
  11. ChemIndeuced

    Nirvana Short Rider?

    my seeds came and I have a journal going. I hope you guys follow it if you were interested in Short Rider
  12. ChemIndeuced

    ChemIndeuced's Short Rider Closet Grow (Soil, 400W HPS)

    Here are my little Short Riders after about a week, they are doing a little light bending so I rotated them but aside from that they look pretty happy. They all have the second set of fan leaves budding, and I hope they are growing a good root system above all because I want to get them into...
  13. ChemIndeuced

    ChemIndeuced's Short Rider Closet Grow (Soil, 400W HPS)

    I am posting some pictures of my Bagseed plant to see if anyone can explain what is happening with the first set of fan leaves that it grew. The canopy is covering from most of the light, so hopefully that's why they are yellowing and dying. And I'll post the one week progress for the Short...
  14. ChemIndeuced

    ChemIndeuced's Short Rider Closet Grow (Soil, 400W HPS)

    I mixed the MG potting mix and the MG outdoor soil. I used just the potting mix for the trial run I started with my bagseed plant and it didn't hold moisture well enough for my taste. I just added 1/8 strength all purpose fertilizer and 1/8 transplant solution to give an even N:P:K ratio at 1/4...
  15. ChemIndeuced

    ChemIndeuced's Short Rider Closet Grow (Soil, 400W HPS)

    I am only hesitant to add the nutes because of the miracle gro soil, I fear that I would burn my plants too badly for them to recover at their size. I will probably start gradually introducing nutes in the fourth week of vegging.
  16. ChemIndeuced

    ChemIndeuced's Short Rider Closet Grow (Soil, 400W HPS)

    I am changing my diagnosis to Potassium problems, I will add some transplant solution I have if the problem persists. I don't want to add it before I see the effects of thee transplant because there is plenty of K in the new soil.
  17. ChemIndeuced

    ChemIndeuced's Short Rider Closet Grow (Soil, 400W HPS)

    So it looks like the 4th seed isn't going to sprout. I'm disappointed, but with this small of a sample size 75% is close to what you'd expect on the first try. I just finished transplanting the bagseed plant to a 2L pot and then gave it a little cal mag solution for watering because the first...
  18. ChemIndeuced

    ChemIndeuced's Short Rider Closet Grow (Soil, 400W HPS)

    Light just came on again so I checked them, and a third sprouted. The first one that split and I planted is the only one that hasn't reached the soil yet.
  19. ChemIndeuced

    Alternating lamp types?

    to what results?
  20. ChemIndeuced

    Alternating lamp types?

    So i started growing a bagseed in my grow spot two weeks before my seed order came to test the spot. It was under Fluoros until my HPS came, then it took off. I am germinating under my fluoro for the new seeds. The bagseed plant is growing really quickly again, but it reacted the same when I...