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    Tool Rocks but the fans get to out of control! I was at one of the 3 san diego shows and the mosh pit got so out of hand they stopped the concert to get ambulances in to take ut the injured 58 i believe was the number! The other 2 shows in SD were indoor venues with no mosh pits!
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    My wife told me she will call the police

    911 operator do you have an emergency Yes I would like to report a crime Ok what seems to be the problem? My husband is high! Oh my gosh we will get swat and dea and maybe homeland security over there right away! and I found a bud that has to be at least 1/2 a gram dont worry maam...
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    75deg day 50deg night, ok?

    Mine sit around 57 at night and 78 during the day! I dont know shit but mine are doing GREAT!
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    Ever been shot, or almost killed over weed?

    I was deer hunting with a logger friend of mine and we ran into a very large patch! We backed out quickly and were met by 2 guys with ak47s, as both of us had a rifle and a pistol on us it was kinda a showdown! they pointed there guns at us and told us to get down, as fast as the words came out...
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    Can I switch my 400 to my new 1000 5 weeks into the flower?

    I am currenlt running 2 space heater 24-7 to keep temps perfect so this will only help me! Until SUMMER! Thanks
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    Can I switch my 400 to my new 1000 5 weeks into the flower?

    Got a new 1000 and want to put it on my plants that are 5 weeks into flower. Any issues? Thanks 420
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    DIY EBB n FLOW question

    I use 18 gallon tupperware tubs for resivoir and 8-9 gallon tupperware tubs that stack perfect inside the 18 gal! Very cheaqp and simple with HUGE sucess!:weed::weed::weed: