My wife told me she will call the police


Active Member
Fair enough if she has a problem with you smoking marijuana, but for her to say she will rat on you if you do.

Well, I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her. Ever. Again.

But that's just me.


Active Member
I just asked my husband who doesnt smoke weed if he would call the cops on me....he said no like a good husband should and he says GET RID OF HER ASAP. Theres enough problems in marriage as it is let alone adding one deliberately.


Well-Known Member
I don't agree with her threatening to call the police...but, I do see her point. When you married her you were not a smoker. She didn't sign up to marry a stoner, and you were not a stoner when you said your vows. She has every right to ask you not to smoke, imo. That is far as it should go though, if you say no then she should divorce you. She might be telling you she is calling the police in hopes of scaring you out of what your doing. She is probably desperate to get you to stop. Do you really think she will follow through with her threats?


Well-Known Member
Bro speaking from a position of being married this is not a bump in the road. This is the crater the size of a geo prizm. No self respecting wife would ever do this to her husband. Most wives want and look forward to waking up to that face every single day. Having a family with this person, looking forward to all the anniversaries, birthday parties and graduations. My wife is my best friend. How could your best friend put you in a position like that? If your boy did that to you you'd write him off. Now look at it from his perspective. Shes more than a boy. She's a lover, friend, confidant, support system, etc...the list goes on and on. If a woman...especially your wife puts you in this position..ever. You hear me? Cause the woman doesn't love you. She doesn't even love herself if she'd give up her marriage because her husband tokes a couple g's a week.

right on!!! im not married or anything, but dat shit is fucked up. im not tryin to advocate for her but i mean maybe she has her reasons. maybe she is just worried about you because shes not a toker she dont understand the lifestyle. so you need to have a long heart to heart talk with her. try not to argue with her, just sit her down and explain to her that theres nothing wrong wit weed and that you don't have plans on stoping. and that if she loves you that she wouldnt make you stop doing somthing that isnt wrong or harmful t your body. or somthing that makes you happy. if she drinks she has no place to judge you. and if she is worried about the whole legal thing, tell her that who has the right to tell you whats wrong and whats right when the plant has been here since the beginning of time and ppl have been using it way befor these so called rules tried to govern us. but if this talk don't work then its a lost cause and you should try and seporate yourself from her for a while. because nobody and i mean nobody would ever put u in danger like that. if she signed u up for rehad or somthin like that it would be because she cared about you. but this right here is bullshit. i dont understand why she would ever wanna turn you in man. im sorry your in this situation bro. i mean i could imagin how tough it could be to loose the woman you love over bud. hang in there man, and keep us posted. fellow tokers gotta stick together u kno?


Well-Known Member
I don't agree with her threatening to call the police...but, I do see her point. When you married her you were not a smoker. She didn't sign up to marry a stoner, and you were not a stoner when you said your vows. She has every right to ask you not to smoke, imo. That is far as it should go though, if you say no then she should divorce you. She might be telling you she is calling the police in hopes of scaring you out of what your doing. She is probably desperate to get you to stop. Do you really think she will follow through with her threats?
No ones life remains stagnant, people change continually, so is change justifacation for threats? Now if your smoking resulted in nonwork, not paying bills, ignoring the fam, then yes, she might have a pint.
Would it be fair for him to tell her that if she kept doing something new, he'd call the cops. because he didn't like it? Not hardly..She's way out of line.


Active Member
911 operator do you have an emergency

Yes I would like to report a crime

Ok what seems to be the problem?

My husband is high!

Oh my gosh we will get swat and dea and maybe homeland security over there right away!

and I found a bud that has to be at least 1/2 a gram

dont worry maam hes going away for a long time!!!!

Couples say alot of crazy things while fighting that they dont really mean and work thru things together even if they dont agree on it! My wife and I have had our moments and I thought forsure that I would be getting devorced and moving out BUT we are happier than ever now 14 years later! I have a few friends that SNEAK a hit or five when the wife isnt looking so they dont get in trouble with there otherwise WONDERFUL wives! Not for me though!

Call her bluff! she is only reacting the way her parents or media has taught her to! Educate not Demonstrate
TRY to work with her!



Well-Known Member
My wife told me she will call the police to "turn me in" if she ever sees weed in my possession or in our house (or even thinks I'm doing it). I didn't smoke when we got married. Now I do. And she hates it. I don't even do it except for 1 to 3 times a week, on average. That doesn't matter to her though.

I thought maybe we could make this work, but at this point, I don't see how. The way I see it, a wife who is willing to have her husband put in a jail and get a potentially career ruining criminal record over a plant God made is not a wife in the true meaning of the word.

I told her I'd stop doing it. Yes, I lied to her. Yes, lying is wrong. But the way I see it, I'm allowed to lie to anyone who is threatening to harm me. So, in the next week or so I plan on renting an apartment somewhere without telling her where it is or about it at all. Then I'm going to come home early one day while she is still at work, and I'm going to move all my shit out of our house and into the apt. If I can't keep my stash in my own home, then I'm not going to keep my belongings or myself there any longer either.

I guess if things don't change I'll be filing for a divorce soon. Hell, I'm considering doing so even if she "changes her mind" when she sees that I mean business. I don't know that I can ever trust someone who has threatened me like that. If i was married, and my wife came home with blood on her hands---i'd help her ditch the body and ask questions later.

Maybe you can educate her (prolly already been suggested 20 times) about how harmless...neigh, beneficial, this wonderful plant is.

On a side note, i personally always reserve the right to lie to a woman. i let them know up front that a good portion of what i tell them isn't true.


Well-Known Member
No ones life remains stagnant, people change continually, so is change justifacation for threats? Now if your smoking resulted in nonwork, not paying bills, ignoring the fam, then yes, she might have a pint.
Would it be fair for him to tell her that if she kept doing something new, he'd call the cops. because he didn't like it? Not hardly..She's way out of line.
She is out of line, I am not disputing that. I am saying she has a point, even though she is reacting to it in a childish manner. I also think there is a possibility that she might be just ranting and not meaning what she is saying.


Well-Known Member
Any time The threat of LEO is used, specially over a bit of kine, then what's next? It appears to be a case of "my way, or the highway". i can see her not wanting it in the house, or around her, but to demand compliance or LEO will be called..over the top..
I've been in this situation , not with kine, but it was change this,,then this,,until I determined that enough was enough and that A) I didn't do anything wrong
B) that no matter what I did, there would always be"just one more thing"

We don't know if there were any negotiations or not, but, as posted, it was "my rules PERIOD..Not a good space to be in..


Well-Known Member
Any time The threat of LEO is used, specially over a bit of kine, then what's next? It appears to be a case of "my way, or the highway". i can see her not wanting it in the house, or around her, but to demand compliance or LEO will be called..over the top..
I've been in this situation , not with kine, but it was change this,,then this,,until I determined that enough was enough and that A) I didn't do anything wrong
B) that no matter what I did, there would always be"just one more thing"

We don't know if there were any negotiations or not, but, as posted, it was "my rules PERIOD..Not a good space to be in..
Only he truly knows whether or not she is really threatening him or just ranting because she is pissed. I don't think a rant would justify a divorce...but only he knows what her intents are.


Well-Known Member
Only he truly knows whether or not she is really threatening him or just ranting because she is pissed. I don't think a rant would justify a divorce...but only he knows what her intents are.

rants about calling LEO are on another plane. Of course yo olady will give you shit from time to time....but calling the law????

not cool. even if she doesn't really mean it. shitty thing to say.


Well-Known Member
you know what is fucked up - the gov't cant even FORCE her to testify against you in court, but when she does it willingly thats a problem..

i agree with Yeah (post #2) - try to have an adult conversation with her (best not be stoned off your ass) and just ask her why she would want to screw you like this... she has to know that SHE is causing more trouble for you than weed. if she refuses to settle, or work with you - THEN you can pull out your blunt, and light it in the living room - and tell that bitch you'll see her in another life.

the blip documentary is also AWESOME, and might help sway her -


Well-Known Member
One of hubbys buddys came from San Diego to be a groomsman at our wedding. The day of the wedding before they got into the limo to head to the chapel they all smoked a joint. Some how the buddies wife got wind of it and asked him if he did it too. She told him that if he did, it was no big deal, she just did not want him to lie to her. Well he told her the truth and she went ape shit on him. This is the part of the story that is fucked up:

We went to Maui on our honeymoon (oh yeah, some killer wowie) and we stopped in San Diego and stayed with them to break up the trip. She about broke her neck to get me alone so she could tell me this shit "I really hate to upset you but I thought you should know your husband smoked pot before he went to the chapel". I was like "so what". It really pissed her off that it did not piss me off.

What a bitch! Trying to start trouble in my marriage a week after we got married. I do not like the bitch to this day over that shit.


Well-Known Member
Man you already know what it is
I'm guessing she has friends and a good family backround
she is talking to em what should i do etc.
and it might sounds something like this.........

What should i do?............. what would you do?
Marijuana! whats next? Herion?
I told you he was no good for you
Hell i dunno man, but! one person certainly does.............

I think you should take a look at why you got married cause it sounds like it was not either up to you per say or some other shit like not wanting to be alone or she was atleast the best thing going for you and you could not do it's just an example soooooooo i hope you're not mad.
I say this