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  1. K

    How bad did i do

    This was only 1 of 6 plants. The others are getting done tonight. Since these are not solid buds, what do i do with them to seperate the stems?
  2. K

    How bad did i do

    So let me know how bad I did one my first time... it seems there is alot of stem, but I dont know what I am looking at. Let me know if there is anything here or did i waste all my time.
  3. K

    Soil ?

    how do you do that?
  4. K

    Soil ?

    Is it ok to use the soil to grow new in again?
  5. K

    Day #11 in Flowering - Is This Right?

    what u mean, that is a male plant or a fertilized female? these did not show until today. The first 2 pix are from the same plant. I just removed him/her. Is that seeds at the top? I am not understanding, the other 5 males I had showed with in 48 hours of starting flowering. If it is seeds...
  6. K

    Day #11 in Flowering - Is This Right?

    I am in flowering now fr 11 days. I went down today and found the following developments. It looks like the first 2 pictures are seeds? I am not sure, maybe I messed up and did not catch a male fast eough. Opinions Please.
  7. K

    I have to relocate plants

    I need to relocate plants, can i tue them in a large garbage bag for about an hour while I move them? If not any ideas? They are going into boxes, I just dont want to attract attention with the smell. Also willo the lack of light for these 2-3 hours mess up my light cycle?
  8. K

    Im Lost, Please help -Leave shrivel & discoloration

    I am hoping to get the answer to two problems at once here. My first is that one of my plants is shriveling for some reason. (Pic 1-4) and then a few leave on another plant are developing yellow spots on them. (Pic 5-6) Pic 7 is just my setup. I am planting in soil, using 36 (1600 lumins...
  9. K

    Unknown Spotting

    ty all, starting today
  10. K

    Unknown Spotting

    I have noticed leaves towards the bottom of my plant spotting like this picture and then dying with in days. Any idea what is going on? Growing in soil, 18/6 Light, no nuts yet, cfl lighting (6000 lumins per sq. ft)
  11. K

    Here I am Again, NEWBIE #269

    I am having some discoloration in my plants. I clipped the dying leaft off the bottom the of the plants and I am seeing them progress since I put the proper light, but I am not sure about this colorazation. Thank you for the help in advance.
  12. K

    Light Changing for the better, now problems...

    nice, hope i can get these back to life
  13. K

    Light Changing for the better, now problems...

    I thought about naming myself "newbie"
  14. K

    Light Changing for the better, now problems...

    whitish yellow, more white
  15. K

    Light Changing for the better, now problems...

    IM running 36 1600 cfl spriials @ 1600 lumins each, hoping that will get me through veg stage. is that pic that other guy posted really after one month?
  16. K

    Light Changing for the better, now problems...

    2 week grow additive, bought at walmart
  17. K

    Light Changing for the better, now problems...

    Is that one plant? I started in mericle grow for 4 weeks with 4 40w t12 bulbs about 4' away. I also had a stress time in there from over watering. Does this make sence why I am where I am at right now?
  18. K

    Light Changing for the better, now problems...

    I have already started nutrients. These plants are almost 8 weeks old. I have had a rough time, first with the mistake using maricle grow, then not having the money for lighting. UGH.. Thanks for the assistance.
  19. K

    Light Changing for the better, now problems...

    OK, I was using bad lighting, 4 40w flourcent lights for 12 plants kept at a distance of 4' above the plant. I changed that today and now I am using the recomended 6000 lumins per sq ft. I changed this lighting today at about 4pm. I went out for the evening and came back and some of the...
  20. K

    Need an opinion

    I am a newbie. I am short on money, but I have a bunch of electric material laying aroung. I was going to set up a 4' x 4' board and put 48 100w CFL's on it, each with 1600 lumins on 11 plants, what do you think. Will it get me through the veg stage while i save for a good light for flowering?