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  1. illsstep

    Indoor Basil

    Seedlings are starting to develop their second set of true leaves. Soon I'll be repotting these and putting them under the LEC. Growth had been slow. I found out that the bark mixture I am growing in can lock up N, and that fertilizing with increased N can be necessary. I upped the fertilizer...
  2. illsstep

    Indoor Basil

    First set of true leaves are coming in. I have started fertilizing at 1/4 strength with each watering. They are currently 4" below the t5, which is running 18/6, and I added a low-powered oscillating fan for air circulation.
  3. illsstep

    Indoor Basil

    Very nice! I can only hope mine turn out so well. I am currently pretty low-tech as far as propagation is concerned. I use a 7" tall clear plastic humidity dome on a standard 11"x21" seed flat. I use small cells (the ones that fit 72 per flat) filled with a growing medium I like (I use the same...
  4. illsstep

    Indoor Basil

    7 days after planting. Out of 66 planted 46 have germinated (and 3 more germinated but may not make it). I'm a bit disappointed by the success rate - I think the coarse texture of my growing medium may have been to blame (poor contact with such small seeds). I removed the humidity dome, which...
  5. illsstep

    Indoor Basil

    First seeds germinated last night, almost exactly 3 days after planting. Sooner than I expected. So far 40 of 66 are accounted for. I plan to keep the 35 most vigorous of the 66 and discard the rest. Keeping them covered for now; the top of this growing medium can dry out quickly, and I want to...
  6. illsstep

    Indoor Basil

    I'm starting a crop of basil indoors from seed to see how well I can control the heat, humidity, etc. in the grow area I set up. I don't grow weed myself, but I'm very interested in gardening under artificial light (mostly as a way to keep growing during the winter months). I learned quickly...