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  1. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    TAUTOLOGY: (a sub-category of circular argument) defining terms or qualifying an argument in such a way that it would be impossible to disprove the argument. Often, the rationale for the argument is merely a restatement of the conclusion in different words.
  2. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    Hold on there......if he can trust his own opinion which is based on his own experience that's fine. As long as the person has the desire to continue learning and exploring, which he seems to be doing right now. I think hes doing ok. Just because you hear both sides of something doesn't mean...
  3. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    uum...Jesus was a self proclaimed Jew. He identified as such. The religion known as Christianity didn't come about until around 300A.D. which would be about 250 years (obviously) after Jesus or any of the apostles (attributed for having written the gospels) would have lived. Until then it was a...
  4. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    Your not serious right?
  5. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    Little slow on the uptake. Pretty sure NO ONE said that. EVERYONE is pointing our that your point is a non-sequitur since it has no bearing on if either group is violent. Thus erroneous. Here's where we're loosing you...THIS may be true... Here's the part where you loose the credibility...
  6. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    I think you're confused. You aren't an authority on other peoples moral interpretations. You dont set the bar we need to reach to prove something. Why dont YOU prove that Muslims are inherently violent as a result of Muhammad's teachings as opposed to simply violent like any other group. See...
  7. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    The fact that you're using "us vs them" terms clearly shows you dont get it. There are Muslims and there are Muslim extremists. If you dont see a distinction or the parallel with other faiths then you're actively choosing not too. It has nothing to do with utopian ideals. You even said...
  8. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    You're absolutely right, assumptions are being made. some fair, some unfair. the name of being fair. If you play devils advocate about a semantic argument its common sense that people will assume you're taking the opposite points stance. That should be obvious. I don't think it poor...
  9. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    No im pretty sure you and I are on the same page. I just like to rub the noses of bible thumpers in the circular argument that is the bible.
  10. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    Hey Kanti...this just fell out of your back pocket.
  11. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    So your evidence of superiority.... Is that I cant find a red herring despite it having no bearing on the point of the conversation? Go back a few pages to where you started with a comparison between Mohammad and what people wrote to you, move past your original talking point and...
  12. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    You're an idiot. Were saying that the comparison of literal text doesn't have anything to do with the reality that they are both violent. Both are a scapegoat for extremists to kill. Both have caused and continue to cause atrocities in their name...asked for or not (making your point moot)...
  13. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    The point of "pointing out" being what exactly? (No guys im just pointing at that not trying to make a statement or infer about what it means in any relevant worldly way...its not like Im saying that Muslims are violent by nature because their god says so or just...
  14. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    He will clearly only acknowledge a literal example of his statement. Old religious trick...cite something specific for example in text, then ignore the reality of that things literal impact (or lack there of) on the world. e.g. Jesus doesn't tell followers to kill for him in scripture =...
  15. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    you are cited Mohammad not Allah. My apologies. We can ignore my point (the irrefutable one)....being that Christians are JUST as violent as Muslims regardless of if their magic spokesman told them to be or not. (which would make it better or worse in the eyes of their God I...
  16. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump ...point. "He believes the same thing Wednesday that he believed on Monday, no matter what happened Tuesday. Events can change; this man's beliefs never will." -Colbert
  17. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    ok... here... Zechariah 13:3 NAB If a man still prophesies, his parents, father and mother, shall say to him, "You shall not live, because you have spoken a lie in the name of the Lord." When he prophesies, his parents, father and mother, shall thrust him through. Leviticus 26:7 You will...
  18. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    You said this... In response to this.. This implies you believe Christianity differs in that it doesn't tell its followers verbatim to kill in its name. My whole point is that is erroneous. Look dude...backtrack all you want. Its the reason you cited that passage that leads 1 to their...
  19. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    So your argument is that religion isnt open to interpretation? And that all muslims believe the west should die? Because of 1 passage? And IM the 1 generalizing? Your a fucking genius all right. P.S. assuming all muslims have it out for non-muslims because a passage gives a man permission to...
  20. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    Way to ignore the facts (again) being presented. That 20 yr olds preschool zinger blew my mind. But you're doing yourself no favors continuing to make ignorant statements underlining a general prejudice. Im sorry if you find my lack of respect for your argument insulting but your desire to paint...