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  1. FauxRoux

    The Trans-Pacific Partnership

    Trump wants to lower taxes for the rich and for Corporations (cant imagine why) While Bernie believes that everyone should pay their fair share because without taxes we cant function as a society. Whats that you say? With Bernie's plan the average Millionaire cant afford that second Porsche...
  2. FauxRoux


    @Uncle Ben...I would be happy to pay for UHC. Not happy that I have to pay for a mockery of it to further line the pockets of greedy corps that have infiltrated BOTH parties. Only an idiot sees politics in Red and Blue anymore. Its rich vs poor....and I hate to break it to you, but no matter how...
  3. FauxRoux

    The Trans-Pacific Partnership

    Also if padawanbater is the antagonist here how come you followed him to his own new thread to continue bitching about Hillery? Shes not the topic here
  4. FauxRoux

    The Trans-Pacific Partnership

    Hey ....Not GOP....over the few threads I've seen YOU are the 1 clearly getting worked up ....about Hillery mostly...which is funny cause she's never the topic when you bring her up. Then you accuse others of being upset in some vain attempt to throw off their annoyance at your A.D.D. fox news...
  5. FauxRoux

    Standing O..Bernie Sanders!

    Sadly little brother did and is....a damn good 1 too!(after 4 years he better be) Trolling you? Yes. But if you didn't want it you shouldn't have dressed like that:hump: ....and on that note, is there any other kind of theocracy? :clap:
  6. FauxRoux

    College a Conspiracy?

    Right? OOOOOooooo....maybe if I ask my parents they'll cosign!!!
  7. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    The only thing Trump has ever been good for is self promotion. He has ostracized everyone who isn't a white male and I hate to brake it to ya...but that aint gonna cut it. So please do vote for weeds out the crazy, racist votes from the other horrid republican options that might...
  8. FauxRoux

    College a Conspiracy?

    At the end of the day being in the right place at the right time and knowing what to do about it is still the best case scenario. But a solid education in the right subjects can greatly increase your odds of finding that opportunity. Fuck it.....go take 3 night classes and buy a lottery ticket.
  9. FauxRoux


    @MistrBurrberry ...I couldn't agree more. But if they don't call it a UHC (or at least insinuate it is) how can they expect to get your average citizen on board? :rolleyes: hahaha (im actually crying) hahaha
  10. FauxRoux


    The question shouldn't be IF we should provide universal healthcare. We're a 1st world country and a global power. We live in a society, we are not animals (thx JJ). my opinion we shouldn't be questioning universal healthcare...we should be questioning why it's so inefficient, expensive...
  11. FauxRoux

    College a Conspiracy?

    I believe hes saying 50k a year is annual income via a day job and the mill a year is through thrifty investing. But yeah...seems an unlikely combination :mrgreen: ....and incidentally Coolidge College is 1 of my favorite fictional colleges. GO VAN WILDER WOOOOO! (Don't worry...I didn't go to...
  12. FauxRoux

    College a Conspiracy?

    There needs to be a popcorn eating emoticon. :bigjoint:
  13. FauxRoux

    Ventilation Help

    That should work well. pretty low roof on that tent though. Can your 400w hood be vented?
  14. FauxRoux

    He who controls the seed,will control the weed.

    To an extent since1991 is quite correct. The price of pot will plumit. Medical cut it in half and as the black market dries up so will the high price tag. Indoor small scale will become completely financially untenable. 1 thing I do disagree with though is quality. If you look at most...
  15. FauxRoux

    Want Legalization? Vote Donald Trump!

    Unfortunately that day will be nearly the day after legalization. I did some consultant work for a commercial ag business in central cal that last year donated over 1 mill in produce to the homeless as a tax write off alone. They, like many companies are setting up commercial grows measured in...
  16. FauxRoux

    4 lights staggered with 30 plants, or 2 lights on all the time with 15 plants

    If you are attempting to make gains exploiting phototropism or simply trying to get your lights to cover a larger area without needing to actually run all 4 all the time I would just get a light mover.
  17. FauxRoux

    2 fans on 1 extractor line?

    Always have more pressure pulling FROM the room and out. Then smaller pressure pulling INTO it. The positive pressure will assist the smaller fan in pulling air Into the room by creating a vacuum.
  18. FauxRoux

    BML Spyder600 Review

    I am on day 20 into flower with my Amares (granted im only using 2 of 4 of them) and got a bit more stretch then i would like. However the trich's and crystal development is much better then under my solis tech 1000w at 20 days so far. If the finish weight is comparable on a g/w ratio ill call...
  19. FauxRoux

    BML Spyder600 Review

    Je jeezus! And I thought my 12000btu was big and pricey :mrgreen: Go big or go home. :hump: I was wondering, Do you get much stretch with your cobs early flower?
  20. FauxRoux

    BML Spyder600 Review

    Haha....nice. That would do it all right. Not playing around were you? What were you using to cool? Inlines or AC?