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  1. bhorn41356

    How healthy do these look?

    Pretty girls. Keep us posted, eh?
  2. bhorn41356

    Roll it up, light it up, smoking it up

    Thanks for the warm welcome, DT. Feels good to be back to what is natural I tend to wonder while writing. Glad I didn't do it hear.
  3. bhorn41356

    What Are You Listening To?
  4. bhorn41356

    Are you really a blacksmith. That's awesome! What providence do you live in, if you don't mind...

    Are you really a blacksmith. That's awesome! What providence do you live in, if you don't mind me asking?
  5. bhorn41356

    Hello from Canada

    Welcome man! I'm also new here, so to speak.
  6. bhorn41356

    Roll it up, light it up, smoking it up

    Greetings, Rollitup! I joined this forum a few years ago, via a suggestion from a friend(not sure if he even uses the forum). I am a novice grower and lover of all things cannabis. Unfortunately, over the past few years I was caught up in other stuff, thus diverting my attention from my one true...
  7. bhorn41356

    A/C Thermostat mog

    You also have to remember that most residential thermostats operate on 24 volts or as we call it in the industry control voltage. When the thermostat calls for cooling the 24 volts energize a coil on a relay that closes a switch. Although there are thermostats that operate on higher voltage it...
  8. bhorn41356

    Are they done yet?

    1994 do you know if that strain you're growing is a sativa or indica? I only ask because my plant has similar bud formation.
  9. bhorn41356

    The long tenacles of the law!

    So my girlfriend got home from her class a few hours ago and the first thing she said is "Did you know that there are a bunch of pigs outside?". I got up off the couch and sure enough there were three pig cars and a patty wagon outside,that's six pigs. They had stopped a car for I don't know...
  10. bhorn41356

    Yellow Dusting....

    I have the same problem with my plants. I am a novice grower, in other words on my second grow but with the first plant. I simply put my U.K. Cheese on a 24hr. light period to force it back into the veg state. The plant looked good when in was vegging, but after I kicked it over to 12/12 and the...
  11. bhorn41356

    How To Meet Fellow Growers?

    If you're fortunate to live close enough to a NORML chapter, than it is a great way to network and even meet fellow growers. NORML is great!
  12. bhorn41356

    Preventing spider mites

    I think that I may have spider mites. There were little specks on my leaves that I would wash off with a sponge and some water. About a week ago I noticed that the leaves with specks were starting to change from a healthy green to a brown. I have been very meticulous about checking the...
  13. bhorn41356

    First grow. How did I do?

    what strain are you growing?
  14. bhorn41356

    need some solid tips on cloning

    I'm a novice grower. In March '10 a friend gave to me two U.K. Cheese clones. I have had one successful harvest with a yield of about an ounce in a half. after the harvest i put her back on a 18/6 schedule to get another crop in. she is still in the vegetative state. when i received the clone it...