Yellow Dusting....


Well-Known Member
Hello my wonderful new found friends! Guy Smilie here! I have come across a strange yellow dusting that I believe is caused by the nutes I have been using but I am curious if anyone else has ran into this before...

The buds I am showing here are not only a stunted growth but also have yellowish dusting from what it looks like on the leaves and the branches. The clone is a Grape Ape from a local dispensary that from what they say hasn't had any hermies in thier bunch from where I got mine from.

Picture one and two should give an idea of the dwarf type bud growth I am seeing on teh "Dusted" parts of the plants and picture 3, 4 and 5 are of the whole plant and the very top cola and how well devloped it is compared to the dusted ones.
If you look closely at pic 1 and 2 you can see how they are curled up and kinda undeveloped or retarded looking. The yellowish colors on the plant is alot from the light but also this strange dusting, which I believe appeared as a side affect from my nute mixture or something.

Take a peak and let me know what cha think!

Guy Smilie Out!


Well-Known Member
Before this post is lost forever in the archives of rollitup, any guru's have any thoguhts on this. Almost a week has gone by since I posted about this, the plant seems to continue strong flowers up top, but the lowers are still immature retarded buddlings, like in the pictures..., the yellow dusting has stopped since the first sign of it and i have flushed the plant several times, hoping to knock the remaining nute dust out, which seems might have worked ok. if that's what it is or if this plant is just retarded and sometimes you get retarded plants...? Any confirmations Anyone else see this before?


Well-Known Member
What are the temps in there and nute schedule? When was the last time they were flushed? Do your plants have any balls anywhere? I have a golden goat thats a hermie, but It doesn't dust everything. Looking at those plants the yellow dusting unless its a toxin of some sort is the least of your current issues.


I have the same problem with my plants. I am a novice grower, in other words on my second grow but with the first plant. I simply put my U.K. Cheese on a 24hr. light period to force it back into the veg state. The plant looked good when in was vegging, but after I kicked it over to 12/12 and the buds started to form, I noticed the same thing that guysmilie has going on, the buds at the top of the plant look alright(not as nice as the first cycle) but the buds closer to the bottom of the plant look prepubescent/underdeveloped. Although I don't have any "Dusted" problems, when I read this I couldn't help but wonder why we have similar bud growth/formation.


Well-Known Member
It almost sounds like you have a hermie dropping yellow pollen on your plants.
This is what i had thought at first and almost pulled it, when i decided to look at a friend crops and he had a couple plants that had the same thing going on. These little tiny buddlings at the bottoms of the plants, with a yellowish dusting on them. I believe it forms from the plants own way of sweating out chemicals, especially at high temperatures, but I could be wrong...

Hellbillie- My nute schedule is flushing every other week, which is different from how I started, due to this dust looking stuff on the leaves. When I first started I would nute and before the buckets were empty I would just refill the hydro buckets with more water, so an actual flush never took place, the plants just drank the remainder of what was in the buckets mixed with new water. Currently i am flushing the remaining nuted water out then refilling with fresh water every other week or so. The temps were very hot during the beginning of 24/7, like in the 90's, once I moved to 12/12, the growth seems to be working much better. I will toss some updated pics here a few minutes...


Well-Known Member
SHIT! they are yellowish/orangish worms! I snipped some of the really shitty looking bud braches and looked at them under a microscope and I'll be fucked! they are orange worms crawling around , can't see them with the naked eye except the color they make on the leaves!! Anyone know what kind of bug this is, i looked through a couple of the bug journals but can't find this one exactly, how do i kill them?


Well-Known Member
SHIT! they are yellowish/orangish worms! I snipped some of the really shitty looking bud braches and looked at them under a microscope and I'll be fucked! they are orange worms crawling around , can't see them with the naked eye except the color they make on the leaves!! Anyone know what kind of bug this is, i looked through a couple of the bug journals but can't find this one exactly, how do i kill them?
look like this?

Gnat Larvea

Cecidomyiidae aka gall midges or gall gnats


Well-Known Member
look like this?

Gnat Larvea

Cecidomyiidae aka gall midges or gall gnats
Yep, My brutha, the ones on the bottom pic are what they look like!
Cecidomyiidae aka gall midges or gall gnats

Well, shit... hehe I guess it's my duty to google my ass off now and find out how to get rid of these bastards, Thanks! Hellbillie! you rock it out!


Well-Known Member
NOt gonna lie to ya, I have never heard or seen gall midges on weed before. Doesn't mean that its not possible. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
So I picked up a bottle of GoGnats from the local hydroponics store.... It says to add it to my current flushing schedule and let er rip. I'll let you all know how it all turns out.


That is close to what they look like. But i've had these plants for a couple months now. And they obviously came with them on her. So why aren't I seeing any of these adult bugs? With my experience with pests man they don't take their sweet time reaching adulthood. And there obviously breeding but with out any adult bugs? I got sticky traps everywhere and there ain't no flying nat like things anywhere. I don know about your yellow dust. I'm not having any of that so I would say that's not from the bugs.


Well-Known Member
nah, the yellow dust is the bugs.... it looked like dust to the naked eye, but when I looked at it under the scope it was these bugs, billions of them.
I called and spoke with the owner of Green Cross he told me to speak with his cultivator and gave me a number that gives me a not in service message, he was quick to jump to it not being caused by his clones, but i guarantee it is. Because you are dealing with the same crop i bought my clone from. Doesn't matter, i yanked the grape ape, it was too infested, i just got done exterminating my entire room and I am not willing to jeopardize my entire setup for 1 stupid plant. i am done buying clones forever now.
Lesson learned. Don't buy clones from stoners.


Well-Known Member
well dirty stoners, If they are clean cut and present themselves as organised neat people most likely there grow is as well. I have seen some pretty nasty grow rooms and they were all owned by people I could never live with. lol just my 2 cents on dirty hippys. I have got lots of nice stuff from clean hippys though over the years.


Well-Known Member
True that! :) but these guys at this dispensary are actually niether I was just using a crued term for them, cause I am pretty perturbed right now over this infected clone i got from them and after calling ( not to cry and demand anything at all from them), but was instantly given a cold shoulder and I love this place! dammit LOL grrrr! :)


Damn son you had it bad! Sooo many it looked like dust! My god . Good call on pullin that bitch. I agree on the no clone policy in the future. I got impatient waitin on seeds and bought the ape. Now I have to deal with this. I read your thread about the peppers. Haha I thnk the only thing worse would be touchin her after using this final answer shit!! Haha


Did or have yo found any adult bugs or just these little guys guysmile? With the numbers you had wouldn't you thnk atleast one adult would be found? I thnk that's the bug as an adult. A little nasty fuckin orange yellow transparent wormy shit from fucking hell that only exists on grape fucking ape from green fucking cross.


Well-Known Member
Never found any adults or morphed bugs. The seem to stay that size so far. These little bugs are smart they just breed all day on marijuana. Umm don't know about you but if i could fuck and eat weed all day, I would be living the ultimate life.


Well-Known Member
Just as an update, the GoGnats stuff hardly works. I had to up the dosage to see results, it smells funny and it had started burning the leaves on my other plant. If you get bugs, it's pretty much voer, I am going to try and ween out this plant as long as I can but from the looks of it, I don't see it making it much longer.... :( I will be nice, but it makes me so much work, so much money.... wasted...

I mean what is someone supposed to do, when you buy a clone from someone we depend on and then that clone grows up only to have bugs and it gives the rest of your crops bugs and kills the entire setup.... ???