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  1. R

    Earth Juice application Ques (+ rep for HELP)

    im growing in FFOF and use i tsp per gallon of grow,catalyst,and bloom. works good for me. i water when they need it.
  2. R

    THIEVES<>Advise please

    heres what i do.. get a few motion sensor lights and instead of using bulbs i put in one of those screw in adaptors for a plug..heres where it gets good.. then i plug in some 110v emergency fire alarm bells. get it? the sensor turns on the bells instead of a light. holy shit is it loud. it WILL...
  3. R

    Scratch on hps bulb

    the bulbs may crack at the scratches by creating hot spots. i've had it happen more than once. just keep a spare bulb handy. hope that nothing gets a sunburn from the exposed element before you get to it.
  4. R

    what state, what country, how many plants, and what was the outcome of the case

    california/butte county 5 yrs ago 1000+ plants+illegal PG&E tap 7000? ish watts 2 yrs in the pen + 10 yrs on paper was able to keep his house and cars.. until the payments were due..
  5. R

    Make 400 watts from 150??

    just as long as the bulb wattage matches the ballast your golden. you CANNOT run a 400w bulb on a 150w ballast and vice versa. it dont work that way (which it looks like you already know)
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    i run lumateks on my high end reef aquariums and they have been flawless, as soon as funds allow i am going to be switching to them for my grow. galaxy are nice too and if im not mistaken they are owned by the same parent company or are manufactured at the same plant in china. i dont remember...
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    opinions about a reflector

    My other hobby is saltwater aquariums and reflectors really matter there. these are less than 40$ made from the sola/velux tube skylight extensions from homeless depot. these reflectors kick ass on reef tanks. this design has about a 3x3 spread but could easily be modificated to have a wider...
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    kenmore RO.. anyone use? good bad?

    Be prepared to waste a shitload of water when using the filter. typically the rejection rate on the membrane is 4:1 so basically for every gallon of water forced through the membrane 4 more dont make it and go down the drain. It really doesnt affect your bill much though, maybe 5 or 6 bucks a...
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    kenmore RO.. anyone use? good bad?

    the amount of life depends on how funky the water going in is. the lifespan on a ro membrane with a series of pre/micron filters should be several years of low tds water IF the prefilters are changed regularly. if not who knows. i was getting 18 tds after 2 years of no filter changes and a tap...
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    Aeroponic build

    howdy all, been lurking and learning/refreshing for a few weeks now..and its almost go time. Some history..several years ago i was involved with a 11000w(yes, eleven thousand) warehouse op, but we had someone less than trustworthy work for us and he ripped us off bad...then he did it again. the...