THIEVES<>Advise please


Well-Known Member
ay ive been reading this thing, i can build an electrical fence out of wire and a car battery, lol il hook up like 4 batteries and fry these little fuc*ers like KFC, lol yeeeeeeee


Well-Known Member
you got any way to get ahold of active grenades? you could put them on posts with tripwires or set somthing up on the top of your fence might end up blowing up the neighbors cat though


A shotgun
Couple of shells loaded with rock salt
Catch them in your yard, pepper their ass
Won't kill them, and I bet they never come back


Well-Known Member
I doubt you would get in trouble for shooting someone if you feel your in danger of life limb or eyesight I would use motion sensor lights outside and get a web cam for your computer you can get software that only rolls the video after something in the room moves to save HD space and hope they don't take the computer


Well-Known Member
lol hella funny,,,, hella funny, come out in morning, shit cuz, theres brains on my buds and all this red stuff, ewwwwwwwww. lol is that worth it?


Well-Known Member
But for real... if there's someone in the house you don't wanna get into a fist fight thats for sure... who the fuck knows what some awkward teen thinks he's capable of...... I'd get a little duce duce ..exercise your right to bear some arms and hopefully you never have to use it


Well-Known Member
Just put up a sign that says "BEWARE OF MENTALLY ILL PERSON HIDING IN TREES" in your backyard and leave a michael myers mask laying around outside, or just make some weird variations of that kinda sign.


and like i said, these kids go lookin at the "Stoners" house for merchandise, and just so happends my backyard is exposed so if you wanted to look you probally could. it sucks theres a fat field in my back yard with walking trails, easily viewable over fence if you were really looking. i do the best i can to hide by using bigger, differents plants and placing them in front of the pretty girlies....

Why you don't already have a dog I can't understand. Your local shelter has a tremendous selection right now due to the rough (<--- ha ha) economy where people are losing their homes.

I picked up an 85 pound blue nose pit for $45; new this dog was probably $1,500 - $2,000. He was wild at first because he was never trained but now he's perfect. People get the fuck out of the way from as far as 150 feet. Even I was intimidated when I saw him in his cage. Mean looking motherfucker like Leroy Brown; baddest man in the whole damn town. You could rent my dog for a day or two and walk it by those little fucks, they wouldn't fuck with you. Hell, not even Satan would fuck with you.

Seriously dude, get a dog. But only if you're an animal lover and you can devote the time.


heres what i do.. get a few motion sensor lights and instead of using bulbs i put in one of those screw in adaptors for a plug..heres where it gets good.. then i plug in some 110v emergency fire alarm bells. get it? the sensor turns on the bells instead of a light. holy shit is it loud. it WILL wake you up (and the neighborhood) and scare the fuck outta them.
i dont worry about deer either now.