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  1. Rollers Rights

    Would this be a good light

    Would this be a good flowering light light for 3 plants in a medium size cabinet space? probably 2 1/2' by 2 1/2' - 4' tall
  2. Rollers Rights

    Follow my stealth cab closet grow here! Just bag seed for first grow ever.

    Here is the day 10 video update!
  3. Rollers Rights

    Follow my stealth cab closet grow here! Just bag seed for first grow ever.

    Thanks, its just some cabinet we ended up not needing after we moved so i used that and everything else was given to me cause my friends mom wouldn't let him grow and threatened to throw it all away if he didn't get rid of it lol
  4. Rollers Rights

    Follow my stealth cab closet grow here! Just bag seed for first grow ever.

    Here is a video update for day 9 :D
  5. Rollers Rights

    Follow my stealth cab closet grow here! Just bag seed for first grow ever.

    Ok so I recently moved into a new house and decided i want to try and grow some bud and i am not expecting dank buds but i will atleast try, i have been researching everything i possibly could for the past couple years but haven't been able to do anything due to lack of space (lived in 1 bedroom...
  6. Rollers Rights

    First time grower here, need a little help...

    Thanks! I am pretty excited about this and i'm hoping i can get a decent yeild for my first grow!
  7. Rollers Rights

    First time grower here, need a little help...

    They are stretched because before this setup i had them in a humidity dome and the light couldn't go any lower but i plan on burying part of the stems. I just put a temporary fan in there until i get my computer fans on the sides of the box and a carbon filter. Here's a pic of the setup now...
  8. Rollers Rights

    Need advise for my first grow

    I am ordering 2 computer fans and a carbon filter. current temp is 79F, humidity is 35%
  9. Rollers Rights

    Need advise for my first grow

    Ok so I recently moved into a new house and decided i want to try and grow some bud and i am not expecting dank buds but i will atleast try, i have been researching everything i possibly could for the past couple years but haven't been able to do anything due to lack of space (lived in 1 bedroom...
  10. Rollers Rights

    First time grower here, need a little help...

    Ok so I recently moved into a new house and decided i want to try and grow some bud and i am not expecting dank buds but i will atleast try, i have been researching everything i possibly could for the past couple years but haven't been able to do anything due to lack of space (lived in 1 bedroom...