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  1. G

    Plants worse for wear in the evening

    Alright but the water is way damp all the way through
  2. G

    Plants worse for wear in the evening

    No theyve always been outside
  3. G

    auto flowers outside

    Does everyone that grow outdoors use only auto flowering? Just wondered how many people just use feminised non-auto seeds?
  4. G

    Plants worse for wear in the evening

    Help please people! Transplanted my plants from smaller pots to bigger the other day, went fine. Watered, all good. Checked them this morning, still looking good. Got home from work today, and they look like they're trying to commit suicide. Any ideas what's going on? Soil is still damp - so...
  5. G

    too much heat for grow room?

    Need some advice please Making a grow tent in my room, will be approx 75cm x 75cm and 1m high. BUT i have a 600w dual spectrum light. will this be too much light for the size of the grow room? what fans will I need? only even done outdoors before. Want to keep it as basic + as inconspicuous as...
  6. G

    That time again

    Thanks mate. I think i'll probably go for a 600w then. Can i stick with just the one light, or do I need a dual spec light? Can you recommend any lights or kit I could get please? Cheers
  7. G

    That time again

    Hi guys, hope all are happy and healthy. Haven't grown for 5 years approx. Just ordered Royal Dwarf seeds, gonna give a go. Last outdoor grow gave me approx 10oz off of a few plants, no problems as such. Was a very basic grow. This time I plan on using a light, my question is, would a 250w...
  8. G

    Mold! Water cure? Honey oil?

    I've tried this and works pretty well too. Any excess mold you do have on your plants hardens up when its drying and turns into nothing if that makes sense
  9. G

    Best seed for outdoors?

    I've found Purple haze and Cheese very very good outside.. although sorta easy for it to get bud rot on the cheese
  10. G

    I'm doing an early cut - But which way?

    the whole top half i've cut isn't ALL rotten, just slight leaves and a tiny portion of the bud. I'll upload some pics shortly.
  11. G

    I'm doing an early cut - But which way?

    Hey guys. I'm new to growing. I've grown successfully 2 plants for the first time. I'm around 2 weeks maximum from harvest however i've got slight bud rot 3/4 up the plant on both plants. My question is: Can I cut the top infected half and try and cure it whilst the other uninfected half...
  12. G

    Who is till waiting to chop?

    Feels like I've been waiting for ages. I've gotta chop half of my 2 plants since I've got mold. :(
  13. G

    English Outdoor grow 2011

    Here's a few pictures of my 2 plants, 1 cheese and 1 blueberry which are around 3 weeks into flower. let me know what you think! Any ideas on when they'll be ready to harvest?
  14. G

    Burnt tips!?

    Thanks guys
  15. G

    6 ft 5 tall plants!!

    One is cheese, 1 is blueberry. Using Ionic bloom and soil grow with water every few days.
  16. G

    6 ft 5 tall plants!!

    Nope. I planted these near the beginning of may, grew under a normal light for 3 weeks then straight outside. They're over 6 ft tall and the 1st plant is too tall for the greenhouse now - I don't know what 2 do???
  17. G

    Burnt tips!?

    Nope. I planted these near the beginning of may, grew under a normal light for 3 weeks then straight outside. They're over 6 ft tall and the 1st plant is too tall for the greenhouse now - I don't know what 2 do???
  18. G

    2 weeks flowering brown tips on buds!

    I've got the exact same. I'm just into flowering also. Tiny bets of the ends of the leaves are also brown (outdoor x2 cheese) :(
  19. G

    Burnt tips!?

    These are outdoor dude and I haven't used any nutes for the past 3 weeks :S
  20. G

    Burnt tips!?
