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  1. FauxRoux

    BML Spyder600 Review

    5sun...stop putting words in my mouth. Never said "Amare was better". Never said " bml sux compared to ......." I agreed with the notion that the bml 600 being as good as 1000w in greenhouse setting is unlikely...gave my reasons why based on years of working in the commercial ag sector...and...
  2. FauxRoux

    BML Spyder600 Review

    Ive already corrected your statement that i "wasnt impressed with bml"...i wasnt impressed with their spectrum when compared to some others..this isnt something i need to have a unit to know. Spectrum is spectrum. Many felt the same which is partly why some are waiting for the new model.... And...
  3. FauxRoux

    BML Spyder600 Review

    I have been a certified greenhouse manager and worked in commercial ag for some years. To clarify, marijuana is unique in its photo cycle. Most crops do NOT behave in this way and flower or fruit on a timeline based on a number of variables, time of year, temp, time since germinated, climate...
  4. FauxRoux

    LED question

    1 thing I have in spades is tools....not to sound like an ass but being a well paid tradesmen usually makes it hard for me to justify the DIY vs buying because I obsess when building new things and when compared to my hourly rate I dont really save wife loves to remind me of this...
  5. FauxRoux

    LED question

    Well that IS certainly less then I paid for the Amare's :D ...thx for the link, I now have a new thing to obsess over
  6. FauxRoux

    LED question

    I have not looked into the DIY cob's.. whats the general price breakdown on something like that? I have in the past been a huge DIY guy...but depending on the item, find the savings don't make sense when I factor in my time spend....
  7. FauxRoux

    Looking for opinions

    It usually takes awhile to dial a new system in and work out the all the little kinks....even then I feel you may want to mitigate your expectations some. Plan for the worst, hope for the best. NEVER set a high goal to start that will derail your operation if its not met. Co2 tank with full...
  8. FauxRoux

    LED question

    Its built for a 4x4 footprint and LED's give off little heat. The 1200 was built to replace a double ended 1000w hps so I think it would work great. If your patient bml has a new model coming out next month I believe. If I were getting a bml I would wait and see what the new 1 looks like. It IS...
  9. FauxRoux

    LED question

    the general consensus is that BML is the most trusted at this point. but rather then get into it all again i would go to this thread. further in the thread (about page 3) you will find charts/specs and videos highlighting different...
  10. FauxRoux

    Large stealth grow

    As I don't really have the space for DWC with the HID lighting (although now that I have led's Im considering 2.5gl bucket dwc)...I opted to go with Bato Buckets. Not really a popular option here in the states, I do still encounter them in most commercial agriculture ventures. I picked some up...
  11. FauxRoux

    Anybody use powerbox controller? in/next to your grow?....ouch. That's commitment right there
  12. FauxRoux

    Anybody use powerbox controller?

    I agree with since 1991....i bought mine used for $50 each for the convenience from someone who tried to fly before he could walk...they were practically brand new. Helpful when tripping on 10+ lights but not so much anymore.... Meh
  13. FauxRoux

    Large stealth grow

    Thx! ive been using it for a few rounds through 2 quite well :hump: If your going to use an attic just make sure to build a box and it's sealed airtight! Ive seen people vent into attics directly and they mold and rot the roof! Attics are weather sealed from the outside...
  14. FauxRoux

    Large stealth grow

    Doors and front mostly done. And primer/flat white paint. Here we have the AC up top. Ive got a 4" inline wired to turn on in tandem with the AC that vents the hot air it puts out straight into a baffle in the attic which vents straight out an eave. I installed a drip catch...
  15. FauxRoux

    Anybody use powerbox controller?

    I have a few Sentinels. Ive had them for years and they have always done what I needed them to. Here's the guts. Don't mid the electrical tape...I did that when I put a...
  16. FauxRoux

    Large stealth grow

    Hello folks, I thought some might take some interest in my grow room design as it's slightly different. While as you will soon see I am no carpenter (that right there was my disclaimer....yes you may laugh and heckle at my work, I will only cry where you can't see me). I like many have...
  17. FauxRoux

    grow tent with CO2

    Oh yeah, i know it goes up for sure....its partly why ive always agreed that grows where people check their rooms everyday do better than not. Even half an hour in the room everyday adds quite a bit of co2....but if you have a tank and total climate control automated...well....then you are a...
  18. FauxRoux

    BML Spyder600 Review

    No spec sheet. The specs i posted were the response i got from amare when i requested them. Amare was quite transparent about info when i asked for it. If you want any clarification i would write them. The amare's have a computer fan in them which is probably no more then 5-10w and 4 pretty...
  19. FauxRoux

    BML Spyder600 Review

    Naa man im not taking it personal at all. Just sounded like you were taking things in a whole different direction then i was saying. I agree with you that amare does NOT have a reputation at this point 1 way or the other and for most it wouldnt be wise to make a huge investment without solid...
  20. FauxRoux

    BML Spyder600 Review

    First off...NO ONE said this. I said. I would LOVE to see a SE-220 in a similar test and I agree with you that it would be fantastic if more of them were made. Even better if companies sought that kind of verification/transparency. I jumped around a bit in my answer earlier so maybe you...