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  1. FauxRoux

    BML Spyder600 Review

    I see what you mean. VERY nice. My setup is also scrog but i add a few more plants per light to cut down on veg time thus resulting in more rounds per year. Like i said...its not that you CANT do well with 1 plant per 1200...i was just saying im not SUPRISED they are killing it. Kind of hard not...
  2. FauxRoux

    BML Spyder600 Review

    Its not that im not impressed with BML (they look awesome and i nearly went that route). Its that i wasnt AS impressed with BML's get the discount i emailed amare and said i was interested in the solorsystem880....they then issued me a coupon code which dropped the price to $2400...
  3. FauxRoux

    BML Spyder600 Review

    keep in mind I don't have a spyder to compare with, And I'm not saying that one is better than the other. I'm merely saying that my choice was made at least partially due to my particular setup and so far I'm quite happy with them. The real test will of course be what will my flower results be...
  4. FauxRoux

    BML Spyder600 Review

    The spyder wouldnt fit my footprint as easily as the amare's do....i have multiple 10'x2.5' bays. so i would need 2 spyders and have the top bars custom fit to 30" for the top bar to fit my bays. Also the amares are getting about 1800 par at 12" im not worried about the par.
  5. FauxRoux

    BML Spyder600 Review

    My space is modular. Like a windtunnel. So i move them around...another reason the 880 worked for me...some can go to my veg space and then get switched to flower. Im a certified greenhouse manager...went to school for commercial ag. So my space is pretty streamlined. Minimal and effeciant. I...
  6. FauxRoux

    BML Spyder600 Review

    I went with the amare solarsystem 880 package....and im REALLY glad i did (thank you petflora for the little push in that direction). I have been using 2 Amare 'SE-220's ( half the 880 setup) over a 4'x2.5' space. For 8 days and WOW....the difference was very noticeable in just 48hrs but the...
  7. FauxRoux

    BML Spyder600 Review

    I thought the same thing when I saw that test......also wouldn't mind seeing the SE-220 in there. Anyone have an opinion between 4x SE220's or a BML 1200? (at something like the B15% G25% R58% spectrum mentioned above) I need something for flower only and am having a time making up my mind...