I know, man. I'm just saying don't get addicted...I know it's not as bad as meth, rock, or heroine but I've still seen people lose everything over coke. A line here and there is OK, just don't make a habit out of it.
Wow, I didn't know it was your first grow. Looking beautiful, man. Specially, for the first time. Mine didn't turn out nearly as good. Keep up the good work, you gonna have some grade A smoke.:blsmoke:
Why is it funny that it happened to asians? Asians grow a shitload of weed out here in cali. I read everyday about another asian growhouse getting raided.
WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE!!!!!!! Are you telling me this is all because one of your threads got moved to the proper forum it should be in? Hahahahahahahahaha Wow you got some issues, man.