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  1. intrin

    going all out, possibly!

    so i got a list started, am i missing anything? 2|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1308 2...
  2. intrin

    whats up guys

    hey welcome!, i just got done growing sweet tooth, turned out ok
  3. intrin

    To top or not to top

    definatly top man, BUSHES HAVE MORE BUDS
  4. intrin

    Were to Get My seeds

    visa gift card is the same as cash
  5. intrin

    2 gallons of soil enough to flower?(pics)

    lookin good, i think youll be fine, i believe i got 3 gallons, they are 12"
  6. intrin

    my finished setup

    nice, but plants dont look like they gonna get to big huh
  7. intrin

    The Absolute funniest chat log ever!!

    haha great!
  8. intrin

    Cop smokes weed on the job, video.

    haha cool!
  9. intrin

    I'm out!

    got anything dirt cheap?
  10. intrin

    Funkdoc's Downloads

    that was some lame music :( wasted some minutes of my life for that crap, dont taint the beautiful sounds of techno/trance with crap rap
  11. intrin

    fan leaves

    few here and there, i cut off the major big ones when in veg, and now about 5-8 a week
  12. intrin

    My cfl grow

    get at least a 400 w hps
  13. intrin

    how many leafs should my plant have to determine the sex??

    from seeds of course, clones would veg less, all depends on the height you want them
  14. intrin

    how many leafs should my plant have to determine the sex??

    i let my plants veg for 9 weeks before flowering, but you could go 7-8 weeks
  15. intrin

    how many leafs should my plant have to determine the sex??

    some times when there is preflowers you can tell, or just wait till you start your 12/12 cycle for flowering, then you will be able to tell
  16. intrin

    12v fans???? someone help

    could be a fire hazzard, use the power supply and ur fine
  17. intrin

    my friend says he finds a cat hair in ever ounce he buys what is he talking about

    the grower must have a cat around :) i find long fuzzes that look like some type of hair in mine, i think it might be the wife of my grower lol unless its a cat, i not sure, but ive pulled them out when i see them, they are alot thinner tho
  18. intrin

    I totally agree about the avatars...

    if we wer worried about offending ppl, maybe more ppl wouldnt swear :(
  19. intrin

    I totally agree about the avatars...

    haha great loophole
  20. intrin

    what sex?
