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  1. Dethmetalbud

    Why are there so many crazy people in Colorado?

    @420god I hear ya man bunch of fat bitches and dumb ass drunks. well in my area lol.
  2. Dethmetalbud

    Newbie with Pictures, Help Much Needed.

    we have had cold nights lately all my plants even sativa dom. have turned to purple leaves.
  3. Dethmetalbud

    This is male right?

    but the plant has bigger balls i think. and yes it looks like a dude for sure.
  4. Dethmetalbud

    borer, borers, and borerz

    Don't know what kind they are I am guessing a type of moth. I have borers in the tops of my little plants that I got outt late due to the facvt I lost all 8 of the main plants I had in my main grow area. This is outside btw. But what do I do to salvage what I have. I used pyrethins...
  5. Dethmetalbud

    3x3x7 Grow Room questions

    They both seem like overkill. I use a 400w in a 4x4x8.
  6. Dethmetalbud

    Clone dome? my pics

    I flower straight from clones get anywhere from 7-28 grams per plant. And I only run my light for 18 hrs on 6 off to save money. some people say lose growth some say u get to rest ur plants but I like 18-6.
  7. Dethmetalbud

    What is that white stuff?

    looks the same as the bird shit on my plant
  8. Dethmetalbud

    Fan with 92/106 CFM too strong for carbon scrubber?

    run it on a timer if u can get one. doesnt need to clear the room non stop i wouldn't think. edit: thought it said 18 feet not inches lol. U could run that once ever 2 hours to kill the smell or less even.
  9. Dethmetalbud

    Mixing in veg fert to get a little more Nit. during flower?

    Yeah after further info from someone I am having micronute problems. Guess I should have posted a pic instead of guessing at the color.
  10. Dethmetalbud

    Mixing in veg fert to get a little more Nit. during flower?

    My plants look dark green like lack of nitrogen. They are between 1 to 6 weeks in flower. Can i add a little of my nitrogen heavy fert to the .5-13-1 bat guano i got? or should i jsut use different guano for flower? I tried this flower fert this one time nad dont like it. ty for ur time.
  11. Dethmetalbud

    Wondering what is eating my leaves?

    I had the same thing on one plant I think its from spraying tho I had(am fighting) fungus gnats and had a leaf do that from spray.
  12. Dethmetalbud

    Fungus Gnats noticed after switching to 12/12 for 3 days ok to go back to veg?

    By the way my plants are showing the femaleness now from 5 days of flowering would going back to veg help or hurt them at this point? Was thinking about kicking it back to veg cuz of humidity. its 50% with 12.12 and 30% during 18/6. My basement stays moist and its been a warm winter here in...
  13. Dethmetalbud

    Fungus Gnats noticed after switching to 12/12 for 3 days ok to go back to veg?

    I ended up moving the hanging fly tape. the ribbon like sticky traps. Put them about 3 inches off the ground but not above the soil seems they all hang out under the pots or at the open holes for drainage. and i get more in the fly paper than in the vinegar is that normal? or am i maybe...
  14. Dethmetalbud

    Fungus Gnats noticed after switching to 12/12 for 3 days ok to go back to veg?

    so i hanged two old school 1985 fly trap strips in my room overnight. Like a couple flyers left. Also did a neem soil soak at lights out and it seems to be helping lot less bugs. still wanna try the cedar oil I hate gnats.
  15. Dethmetalbud

    Fungus Gnats noticed after switching to 12/12 for 3 days ok to go back to veg?

    TY for the info I use airpots kinda wondered the same thing. I been soil drenching with neem til i can get to the hydro store(over 1.5 hrs away) to get gognats.
  16. Dethmetalbud

    ~!! MEALY BUGS, or whatever they are!!!!~ i need some help from someone with exp!

    sounds like mites bro a pic would clear it up. neem or alc/water should do it. Hard to get rid off easier to control til end of grow then clean room up with bleach EVERYTHING!!!
  17. Dethmetalbud

    Fungus Gnats noticed after switching to 12/12 for 3 days ok to go back to veg?

    Start this off by saying my first indoor grow. and my first time dealing with gnats. I use fox farm soils in all but 4 pots. I had some left over shitty fertillized soil (MG wanna be stuff) that i used in 4 pots. 3 of those have holes in the top leaves. small but the have been eaten. I caught...
  18. Dethmetalbud

    Welcome New Members!

    What up all? I am a totally newbie to here. Got a lot of info from forums for my first two outdoor grows. Now I have ventured to the indoor area with MH and HPS lights. First indoor with soil is about 4 weeks in veg from seeds. Otherthan that i am a total geek and stoner. Video games buds and...