Wondering what is eating my leaves?


Well-Known Member
Sup RIU..i am trying to figure out what the hell is eating my leaves..It's only a couple like this but jw what it might be? I do know that i have a couple of these nat fly things that r in the soil and i have those sticky strips for those and i catch a couple on there but..anyone guesses? prob2.jpg

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
Def. not spider mites. Mites do not skeletonize leaves. Are you certain this is insect activity at all? If this is the only damage you are seeing I would lean towards mechanical injury ( a simple break in the leaf tissue) from rough handling and will not affect the overall health of the plant. Inspect the underside of the leaves carefully for any signs of insects such as caterpillars.


Well-Known Member
lol i dont c any caterpillars but i will look in the morning when they wake up just to make sure..and i really don't its mites either because i think mites would injury my leaves faster then what there doing now ya know what i mean?? Anddd i do lean in my tent to just inspect them and sometimes grab the top leaves to smell them or w.e but idk it might be me and i just forget that i did it...lol but what about the yellowing part on the leaf in the picture?????


Active Member
i still say mites,ive had leaves do that to me before,all the way to the little stems in the leaves and looked all deformed..only bugs to ever be spotted were mites..


Active Member
you obviously dont know what mites do or you wouldnt be saying things that make you look so stupid. could be a burn from the lights being to close or rough handling but if you are sure its a bug check the dirt and undersides of leaves for larva looking insects. mites dont eat the leaves they just suck the juice out of them
i still say mites,ive had leaves do that to me before,all the way to the little stems in the leaves and looked all deformed..only bugs to ever be spotted were mites..


Well-Known Member
The only bug that i am seeing is when i water them you can see (sometimes) little flying bugs fly up from the soil...Then you can see them trying to get back under the soil...


Active Member
welp i must be stupid then because i didnt spot anything else besides a mite,not flying bugs no larv,nothing in the soil...


Active Member
The only bug that i am seeing is when i water them you can see (sometimes) little flying bugs fly up from the soil...Then you can see them trying to get back under the soil...
sounds like white flies try getting the air moving faster around the plants. if not white flies maybe thirps they are a larva type for a while then they get wings and fly around


New Member
your spraying them with water too much. plain and simple. i can show you the exact same thing on one of my leaves. not a bug or any other problem just reduce on the chemicals and the spraying


New Member
you would see thrips and all that other shit the only bug you might not notice till its too late is spider mites all other bugs are very quick to destroy a crop


Active Member
I had the same thing on one plant I think its from spraying tho I had(am fighting) fungus gnats and had a leaf do that from spray.