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  1. T

    my plant got the brown spot

    its spreading, anyone help?
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    my plant got the brown spot

    i was growing it in sunlight so it streched as im in uk lol, so i then i put it under lights.
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    my plant got the brown spot

    can anyone tell what this is due to? its in an enclosed space with 2 w00w cfl and 1 69wcfl there is no intake/outake could it be from that?
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    Is this too early to tell gender?

    theres a guide to tell what sex plant is before flowering so i thought i would ask if anyone could tell
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    Is this too early to tell gender?

    too early or not? full plant lol i know its long and skinny lol was trying to grow from sunlight in uk :) its now under cfl's
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    first time grower

    first time just in the experiment stage at the mo to see if i can grow my own lol first pic ever is it to early to assume this is female (fingers crossed)
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    How much co2 is dangerous?

    its only for 1 plant thanks for the info
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    How much co2 is dangerous?

    lol but it will make my plants better i assume
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    How much co2 is dangerous?

    think i may go down the home made co2 solution with water , yeast and sugar i have 2 children 5 and 2, the plant etc is not in their reach etc as its in an outhouse which is connected to the house i know the plant will recycle it to oxygen but just want to make sure there is no risk at all...
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    Can you tell me what kind of light this is?

    on and off pics, is this usefull for anything?(apart from lighting my desk up)
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    Can you identify this light?

    on and off pics, is this usefull for anything?(apart from lighting my desk up)
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    Mega long stem newbie

    mm after a bit more searching i realise they are no good. gonna get some cfl's, how do i tell what rating they are i.e 6500k?
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    Mega long stem newbie

    also what would be the minimum wattage bulb i should be getting for one plant, ive got a old halogen patio light doing nothing would that be ok? it has 300w but can get a 500w replacemt bulb
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    Mega long stem newbie

    ok cool will try and get some tomorrow
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    Mega long stem newbie

    heres a pic i read to just deep bury it, is there any chance it will kill it? why does it have a long stem? im growing it form sunlight atm but will get a bulb next week sometime, i only plan on growing one for now, as a sort of experiment. its about 2-3wks from germination and im thinking...