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  1. Joos Springsteen

    250 watt HPS Scrog Custom Built Cabinet

    It's 2x2x4. If you research air cooled hoods and cool tubes, you'll see that there are several ways to dance around heat, even in a small space. If you rig it up and it is just too hot in your box, it would be worth simply moving to a bigger box, even if it adds to the start up costs. The...
  2. Joos Springsteen

    250 watt HPS Scrog Custom Built Cabinet

    I was thinking it would look sweet to have several stalks just rising from the ground as though it's a tiny marijuana forest.
  3. Joos Springsteen

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    If my plant were a native American-Indian it would be called in English: Many Tops Ascending to the Sun; and known by those familiar as Many Tops, one day chief of the Many Tops Tribe.
  4. Joos Springsteen

    250 watt HPS Scrog Custom Built Cabinet

    If my plant were a native American-Indian, it would be called in English: Many Tops Ascending to the Sun; and known by those familiar as Many Tops, one day chief of the Many Tops Tribe. At this point, it seems that each branch is growing relatively even in height, with each branch growing in...
  5. Joos Springsteen

    Doob's and Racer's Joint Venture!!

    You may not be ready when opportunity knocks, but you sure as shit answer the door anyway!
  6. Joos Springsteen

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Getting bigger, Just ending week 4 of veg.
  7. Joos Springsteen

    250 watt HPS Scrog Custom Built Cabinet

    Time for a trim
  8. Joos Springsteen

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Cracked and hanging by a thread, now healing toward a full recovery.
  9. Joos Springsteen

    250 watt HPS Scrog Custom Built Cabinet

    Things are still going well. However, I did run into something that deserves some consideration. I have a somewhat large pot relative to my plant's previously infant root system. Taking this into account, I was sure to limit the amount of water during the early weeks for obvious reasons. The...
  10. Joos Springsteen

    Doob's and Racer's Joint Venture!!

    Haha, I was posting a joke in the A guy walks into a bar thread, but it ended up here instead.
  11. Joos Springsteen

    A Guy Walks Into A Bar...

    Does anyone know what you call a black man in a cockpit? HEY! Don't be racist, he's called a pilot.
  12. Joos Springsteen

    Doob's and Racer's Joint Venture!!

    Wrong thread.
  13. Joos Springsteen

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    LST seems to be going well enough. I cracked a branch, but put it right back in place and I expect it to heal (and form a nice knuckle) within a few days. I've considered another change to my grow box. Now that I have two fans installed, it has crossed my mind that I could upgrade to a...
  14. Joos Springsteen

    250 watt HPS Scrog Custom Built Cabinet

    LST seems to be going well enough. I cracked a branch, but put it right back in place and I expect it to heal (and form a nice knuckle) within a few days. I've considered another change to my grow box. Now that I have two fans installed, it has crossed my mind that I could upgrade to a higher...
  15. Joos Springsteen

    how to best slow the role of nosy landlords?

    Look up the renter laws in your state and see what rights you have in keeping the land lords out and maintaining your privacy.
  16. Joos Springsteen

    how to best slow the role of nosy landlords?

    Find another place to live. You could also appeal to their sensibilities by discussing your need for privacy and laying out a set of agreed upon announced entry procedures. But if they're not used to renting that might raise as much suspicion as putting padlocks on the doors you want to keep...
  17. Joos Springsteen


    Almost. The question is, who makes you Grand Arbiter in deciding when the freedom of choice ceases? I fail in understanding why those holding to anti-abortion beliefs are still so zealous. As it stands in this country, abortions are not generally performed past the 22nd week of pregnancy, and...
  18. Joos Springsteen

    songs from the 90s you still like

    Sludge Factory will make you a man
  19. Joos Springsteen

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Started working on some LST today.