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  1. M

    Pineapple Chunk in Aerogarden

    It's going well. She's been flowering since the middle of September. I'm planning on harvesting the last week of October or the first week of November. Her buds are getting plump and smelly. The smell is driving my wife nuts!
  2. M

    Pineapple Chunk in Aerogarden

    I have a 3 week from seed girl in my aerogarden. She is only about 6 inches tall, but she is a BUSH! Almost covers the entire aerogarden! Anyone grown pineapple chunk in their aerogarden? I'm real curious on when to switch to 12-12. I did some searching and I find answers everywhere from 3 sets...
  3. M

    How does my 9 day old girl look?

    I'd like to cure for at least a couple of weeks. We have been hitting the popcorn while we wait. Yes it was almost dried properly. I did have to re-hang the biggest bud for another day or 2. So my weight might be off a little on the big one. The rest seemed to be dried perfect.
  4. M

    How does my 9 day old girl look?

    I haven't decided what I'm going to cook yet. But I'm thinking of using popcorn, bud trimmings and used vape leftovers. I'm leaning toward butter, then brownies with it.
  5. M

    How does my 9 day old girl look?

    Well, I hung her up for 5 days. She is dried to perfection I think. I weighed each bud and including 31 grams of popcorn I have a total of 88 grams. The popcorn is really nicely formed little buds not junk. I am very pleased. She is in jars and I'm going to do my best to cure her properly. I...
  6. M

    Help First aero grow white widow lots of pics

    I'd like to know the same thing. I have a ton of popcorn on my AK47 auto. Got plenty of big buds too! But more is always better. I'll be watching this to see if anyone knows. Nice grow btw..
  7. M

    How does my 9 day old girl look?

    Smoke update: I don't smoke much. My wife even less, but to quote her" 1 hit I get nice, 2 its time for bed, 3 GONE." I'll post another update after the full harvest and proper curing.
  8. M

    How does my 9 day old girl look?

    Cut a bud that was about 1/3 the size of the biggest one on her. I have to test her out! I did a fast dry, and weighed it. 5 Grams dried! I am shocked. It smoked really good. Very enjoyable. I cant wait till its really dried and cured properly.
  9. M

    AK-47 Lowryder Autos in Aerogarden - First Grow - Pictures included!

    This greenhouse is working out great. We actually went and got another one. I have to start planting flowers for my wife. I don't mind. It looks like my girl is going to give me a good yield. I wont need to do a second grow for a while. It takes me a good 2-3 months to go through a quarter, so I...
  10. M

    AK-47 Lowryder Autos in Aerogarden - First Grow - Pictures included!

    Looks good and healthy. I don't remember mine being that nice of a green color. I'm harvesting next week I think. I'll let you know how she smokes.
  11. M

    How does my 9 day old girl look?

    Yes, distilled just distilled water. Maybe spring water. I haven't decided yet.
  12. M

    How does my 9 day old girl look?

    Thanks for the second opinion Newbt. I agree. I'm gonna flush the tank and give her 1 more round of nutes. Then next week I'll clean the tank and just give her strait distilled water and then harvest in the next week. Of coarse as long as she progresses like expected. Sound like a valid plan to you?
  13. M

    How does my 9 day old girl look?

    A couple more pics day 50.
  14. M

    How does my 9 day old girl look?

    How does she look? I know the pictures suck. I can't seem to get a good magnifier. I got some leaf yellowing going on with the large leaves. I'm wondering if its just running its natural coarse or if she has a problem. Don't know if anyone can tell from these pics if she is close. From what I'm...
  15. M

    How does my 9 day old girl look?

    I have question about topping off the tank. Do you top off with plain water? Or do you top off with water with the same nute mixture as your last fill? I've been doing the later, but I just want to make sure I'm doing it right. She seems happy, but I've gone this far with her and don't want to...
  16. M

    How does my 9 day old girl look?

    Yes, I've been on flowering nutes for almost 3 weeks. There around around 3 leaves near the top, larger ones. And just 2 down near the bottom. She still looks really good overall. I'm just being overly cautious since I'm this close. She is flowering everywhere!
  17. M

    How does my 9 day old girl look?

    I backed off my nute mixture a little bit because I saw a little possible nute burn. Now I see something that looks allot like the cal-mag deficiency I had earlier in the grow. I've been using 1 Tsp CaMG+ per gallon of distilled water based nute solution. Is that enough? Would it hurt to use more?
  18. M

    is this a hermie or a seed

    O got to be honest, I have no clue at all. I'm pretty new at this. But, I have to know what you took that picture with? I have a really good camera and I can seem to get that kind of pic.
  19. M

    How does my 9 day old girl look?

    Thanks Newbt. I kinda figured it was more in that range than the 90. To quote Tom Petty, "The Waiting is the Hardest Part".
  20. M

    How does my 9 day old girl look?

    I've gotten mixed results when searching for how long these auto ak-47's go before harvest. Seems like its anywhere from 56 days to 90 days. Based on what you see in these 42 day pictures, anybody got a guess when she will be done?