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  1. R

    Help with ID twisted new growth

    OK I'm gonna check soil ph and try to flush it with 7.0 ph, gonna try to put my lights bit more up. I'm not sure how I'm gonna wet up the place homie, should have some humidifier I guess ... @Grower1974 Yeah I use yellow Florabella which has some nutrients. Don't know what else to do, I...
  2. R

    Help with ID twisted new growth

    Hello what could possibly be reason of new growth to have twisted newgrown leafs like this. It's Royal Dwarf automatic, I use soil and temps are around 82f. I use HPS. I'm still not feeding them with anything. Thx
  3. R

    Auto AK47, slow flowering, weird stuff - thinking of abandoning autoflowers!

    Which is strange he has that opinion cause I know he's OG and doing this shit for long time and I tried his stuff it's extra class.
  4. R

    Auto AK47, slow flowering, weird stuff - thinking of abandoning autoflowers!

    Yeah, I was like "bro, but there are people who do it no prob" I think he just does not want to have any possible problems and go with fem all the time.
  5. R

    Auto AK47, slow flowering, weird stuff - thinking of abandoning autoflowers!

    His beef is that it must be mixed with ruderalis in order to be faster and benefits of month faster plant does not outweight quality you get with fem seeds. I don't know what to think, I'm newb. I just want to improve max I can.
  6. R

    Auto AK47, slow flowering, weird stuff - thinking of abandoning autoflowers!

    Yo my guy this is phatttt goid work. Im using HPS guys, 250 w and basic reflector. I will put her on 18/6 n give fresh air. Frank is that 24hr light regime?
  7. R

    Auto AK47, slow flowering, weird stuff - thinking of abandoning autoflowers!

    Sadly, I don't have instrument to measure EC etc. I'm a newb, and I plan to invest. But right now it is what it is. What is DLI? Thanks u guys.
  8. R

    Auto AK47, slow flowering, weird stuff - thinking of abandoning autoflowers!

    Well guys, they are on 24 hr light regime, maybe I should try something like 18/6? Yo, twenty eight - I'm feeding them with Plagron Bloom right now, every second watering. And yeah, my friend loves to blame seeds and pheno =D
  9. R

    Auto AK47, slow flowering, weird stuff - thinking of abandoning autoflowers!

    Heyo guys, I'm on beginning of 6th week (from seed) with these two Auto AK47's from Bulk seeds. Lamp: HPS Distance: cca 35 cm Usual temp: around 27C Humidity: Around 40-50 Pot: 18 L My beef is that obviously even tho they were put in ground the same day, they are obviously weeks apart in...
  10. R

    AK Auto, should I trm?

    Hello guys, these are two Auto AK growing under 250W HPS light, 0-24 cycle. As you can see they are very compact and even tho' we all kinda agree this is a good thing, still I ask myself should I trim some of fan leaves to expose those bud sites more? It's 28 day from seed and tbh even tho'...
  11. R

    Opinion, guys?

    You guys think this is gonna be classic 8 weeker or I'm looking at more weeks? Also thanks 4 kind words, this forum always cheers me up.
  12. R

    Opinion, guys?

    Thanks. Could you explain the phenomena tho? What makes them react different?
  13. R

    Opinion, guys?

    Hey stoners! This is Skunk no#1 from Sensi Seeds. 250W HPS, veg/bloom bulb. Tommorow is 4th week of flowering. What's your opinion? It's strange to me how one droops when lights are off but the second one is not drooping when lights off? huh.
  14. R

    I suspect leaf septoria but "spiked up leafs" confuse me

    Hey! Could this just be a case of overheating? Cause temps were a bit over 30C when she was just starting out. I'm confused. Soil, 2 weeks old, Skunk no1 from Sensi Seeds, HPS 250W both for Veg and for Bloom. Thanks.
  15. R

    Can someone diagnose this?

    I also though of this cause some other plants showed signs of heat but for few days now the lamp is nowhere near close as it was ... I don't know how much is needed for recovery. Also she was topped recently but the leaf symptoms started before. And I always water with tap water, and yeah I...
  16. R

    Can someone diagnose this?

    OK. At the moment I don't have any Ph measuring device. And almost everything going into lockdown cause of Covid it makes harder to get this device. What should do in order to improve situation?
  17. R

    Can someone diagnose this?

    Hello, I myself as a grower for 2 years can't tell what is the problem here. I also got friend that grows for 20 years but he cannot say what exactly is the problem here. Plant seems to thrive but in my opinion it's slowed down. The plant is SensiSeed's Skunk no#1 under 250 w SunMaster HPS...
  18. R

    Can I harvest this

    Hello. Bulk seed bank Northern Lights automatic. Soil. Day 69. Can I harvest this? Thank you.
  19. R

    Royal Gorilla, end of week 3 flower. Opinions plz?

    Thx prolly around 6 weeks it seems like forever...any tips i should do for her? Should I defoliate?
  20. R

    Royal Gorilla, end of week 3 flower. Opinions plz?

    End of week 3 flower. Soil. 250w dual spec. Only one plant. Using Plagron Bloom and CalMag. Did HST. Opinions plz. Thanks!