Opinion, guys?


Well-Known Member
Thanks. Could you explain the phenomena tho? What makes them react different?
Sorry I can not. I just have some experience with it. Some time ago I had to go in after lights out to spray them down and after an hour with no light I thought they were dead. Next morning looking like superstars. I am sure some one with greater knowledge than me will come along and answer that for you. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Every plant from seed is different. They grow a little different. Behave a little different. Kinda like children.
They look good.

Homegrown Hero

Well-Known Member
These plants look really healthy! Perhaps monitor the droopy plant’s moisture levels as a safety precaution, but only as a precaution. These girls look fantastic :)


Well-Known Member
She looks good, she looks like a typical 26 - 32 day into flower flowering plant, and best of all, me likes that wicked white skunky bitch, bongsmilie


You guys think this is gonna be classic 8 weeker or I'm looking at more weeks?

Also thanks 4 kind words, this forum always cheers me up.